Feb 20, 2009 09:28
I'm such a horrible ljer these days! I get behind on my friends list and it's so overwhelming that I have to give myself a pep talk to do it. I am here, I am reading, I'm just not commenting much because I'm so behind.
Valentine's Day went well. The boy did good. He got me 24 roses of assorted colors and some chocolate. And he really liked his gift. Boys are so easy to please. I actually ended up buying the panties I mentioned in my last post, and he was shocked. In a good way. Of course, I laughed. I'm bad. I know.
He also had his 2 year sobriety anniversary on the 10th! I'm so proud of him. He got his 2 year coin from AA and he was very excited about it. Go, him!
I took Emma to the eye doctor yesterday. She's been complaining about not being able to see the board and such, so we went on in. Poor kid is near-sighted. I was hoping I wouldn't pass it down. Neither of my parents had to wear glasses until they got older, like mid-40s, and needed readers. I had to get glasses at the ripe old age of 8. Emma will be 8 in September, so she's right on track with me. We picked out some really cute frames, and they'll be ready early next week. She's really excited. I just hate that she's going to have to mess with them. Any of you guys out there have little ones with glasses? How do they handle having to keep up with them, etc.?
Ryan was horrible while I was getting my hair cut yesterday. He's usually SO good when we're out in public. I get a ton of compliments. Yesterday was his off day. He quietly threw his goldfish on the floor one by one, about 6 of them. Then stepped on them. I was so mad. I'm friends with my stylist at least and she was cool about it, but I could have beat him right there. Then he was into everything at the eye doctor! I was so stressed. After that we went to buy groceries, he and Emma fought the entire time I was in there. I wanted to scream. I threatened repeatedly to strap them to the buggy (it was one of those with two seats attached for big kids), park it and walk away. Bad, bad kids. And I want another one?
On another note, I'm feeling kinda crampy and it's not time for Aunt Flo yet. Is it normal to be crampy when you ovulate? I haven't done this off the pill in so long I don't remember what is normal!