Not bad for January :P

Jan 12, 2013 16:00

It snowed a lot here the day after Christmas and again a few days after. We had about a foot at the most and then it gradually sank as the sun shone on it. But yesterday and today we had a real thaw, and it's all gone save for the piles that came from clearing the walks and roadways.

So the baby lettuce I planted in September, that never really grew, was under the snow for seventeen days. Here's what it looks like today ~

That oak leaf at the top is regulation-sized and gives you an idea of the scale. Sorry it's such a dull picture, but there's NO sun, and won't be for days. I wish there were a bit of sun, because the plants look a bit peaked, but by the time we get any I suppose it will be cold again.

The thaw was fun, too. Snow-covered ground met 60 degrees F and made blankets of fog. It lay in all the low places so we drove in and out of it because it's so hilly here. Just as warm today, also (that's about 15 C).

* * * * *

I had $50.00 in Amazon gift cards, so today I did some shopping. My loot:

French Short Stories 1 / Nouvelles Francaises 1: Parallel Text - like it says, short stories in French with the English version beside it. Because I'm this close to regaining some sort of literacy in it, and I think this will be a great way to strengthen it.

Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale - one I've never read, and I like the title, so why not? I do have a complete Shakespeare book, but it's got the tissue-paper pages and the tiny print, and...well, I'm 52. Even with prescription readers, it's not as easy as it used to be!

Element: Hatha & Flow Yoga For Beginners - a DVD by Tamal Dodge which looks really nice in the description, including that the background scenery is Hawaii.

And I still have some gift card money left! :D This entry was originally posted at Comments cheerfully accepted at either place.

my garden, books

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