Jul 11, 2008 18:26
I wish I could have you all meet Popeye, she's just so silly.
She makes me feel guilty every time I leave the house because she thinks she should get to go with us. She hates staying home. Of course there are very few places we can actually take her. She runs to the door and begs and cries for us to not leave her this time.
She gets very frustrated when we move her backpack. Today it's in the living room. It's usually in the bedroom. When I got dressed, she wanted to tell me something. Of course, what she wanted to tell me was that she wanted to go for a walk. She always wants to tell me that when I get dressed. She almost bounces around me. I didn't want to take her though, so I pretended not to know. So she asked me to open the back door so she could sniff the air through the screen. I could do that.
Her next trigger for wanting to go for a walk is more serious though. Michael coming home from work. She practically bounces off the walls when she can't find her backpack then. She has something to say and no way to say it!! You can feel the frustration coming off of her. But oh the joy when she sees her backpack appear. She leaps into it before you can even put it down. I think she would actually prefer it was a "front"pack so she could see where we were going instead of where we'd been, but she still loves it.
Today we didn't take her for a walk. We went to the library and to dinner instead. When we came home I emptied the canvas bag of the books. She has to inspect everything I bring home, no matter whether it's groceries or library books. After she checked out all of my contents, I bagged her. I carried her in and handed her to Michael. She loves any kind of motion so she just sat in the bag expectantly. Michael took her and swung her back and forth about shoulder high both directions. He'd stop now and then to see if she wanted out, but no, she was enjoying the ride. She only got mad when I caught her cuz he was tired.
Twice a day she has to frolic on the bed. Once when I make the bed in the morning and another just before we go to bed at night. She loves it when all of the blankets are neat. She runs back and forth, turns somersaults, plays tag with my hand, falls of the bed and jumps back on, jumps straight in the air for no reason... just gets the wiggles out.
She carries her shoes around the house. Size 8 flip flops. I've tried getting her smaller sizes, but they have to be my size. I think we are the only household that has flip flops of all colors in every room of the house, just one at a time laying around. It must look like I just walk out of my shoes in random places. She feeds her shoes. She puts them in the food dish. And she brings them to bed. The one thing about her shoes that is is strange is she loves us to spank her with them. Hard. If we pick one up, she comes running to get a spanking. If we beat the floor with one, she runs under it.
I had to pick up MY shoes because she found them the other day and started walking off with them. That is how she started her shoe fetish after all...
Her only other toy is a pink mouse with a bell on it's tail. She found that in the bottom of a paper bag of dog and cat toys Uncle Jimmy was getting rid of. I had to dump the whole bag out to figure out what she wanted out of there. She loves that thing.
She also has a boyfriend. His name is Hoover. He is a vacuum cleaner. She's afraid of him when he's angry and making lots of noise, but when he quiets down she rubs all over him and purrs. We leave him out for a while so they can have their moment.
We use a squirt bottle to discipline our cats. Popeye comes running to get squirted. We soak her down then rub it in. She loves it. Pretty handy in the heat. She's the only cat that is always comfortable.
It's hard to discipline a cat that is stubborn, likes to get squirted, and enjoys spankings.
Every day, usually more than once, I look at her and I am incredulous at how close she was to death. She is so full of life it just doesn't seem possible. God gave me an incredible gift when he led Michael to choose her for his first kitten. And an even better gift when he granted us a miracle and let her live when the vets said it wasn't possible. I love all four of my cats, but Popeye is special.