May 05, 2008 17:25
My assistant housewife arrived for her first day today. I've decided to call this initial phase "spring cleaning." She spent three hours on just the kitchen and dining room! No, we aren't that messy, but she washed every surface. She got in and around every little thing. It's already made a big difference in how I feel. Not only having the kitchen REALLY clean, but knowing it will stay that way even if I end up with a week of migraines makes cooking much more pleasurable! I actually cooked a real dinner tonight for the first time in who-knows how long.
Popeye is finding this exhausting however. Apparently it's her job to supervise the staff. She spent much of the day checking on her, and then reporting her findings back to me. Back and forth, back and forth... she has now been sleeping soundly for a few hours. She didn't even wake up to go greet her dad when he got home. So I guess if you ask her, hiring help isn't making life easier!
Good thing she doesn't control the money.
Both Michael and I are very happy with how things are going, and how we foresee this small change to our budget changing our lives dramatically.
In other news... haven't heard a peep out of the neighbor puppy all day.
And my peeps (chickens) are supposed to be here tomorrow morning! I just called the feed store and the lady that answered said to call her at 7:30 to make sure they get the shipment because they haven't been getting a lot of their chick orders this year. I hope they do... the next order date is the 27th. I really don't want to have to mail order the little gals. Shipping on 3 little peeps is $25-$40!