May 20, 2005 00:36
I'm a little bit drunk and stoned (Yes, i have been drunk and stoned every night for 2 weeks now). Big party tommorow night at Eve's house which is going to be pretty cool. Well, it will be if i sucessfully manage to get drunk and NOT sleep with everyone that tries to get me into bed. hopefully it will be ok though, me and glyn made a bit of a pact, i stop him from sleepign with abbie and he stops me from sleepign with abbie. now i just have to worry about the other drunk horny 15yo's. Ah well. I't will be fun either way probably. Been filling out forms and stuff trying to gte stuff for college sorted. not easy when youve been drinking whiskey. <3 Whiskey <3.
Keep thinking to myself that i need to get myself a g/f but at the same time im thinking whats the point in geting close to people when im moveing away in a couple of months. Just feel like part of me is missing when im single. it sucks.
Life hasn't seemed really real recently but thats prolly because ive been drinkign and smokign too much, everything just seems fake somehow. last night was wierd, me n glyn got drunk together and smoked loads and when i closed my eyes i could make my head think my body was doing stuff like i could like "tell" my body to spasm and it felt like it was but acording to glyn it wasnt actually doing anything, i was lying there, and i could make myself levitate and stuff but it wasnt actually happening, just my head thought it was. was fuckign awsome. :)
Just waisting time now when im downloading new msn messenger thingie. It takes soo long for some reason.
MEH! hope you'r all well n stoof.. my b'day party is on the weekend startign the 8th of july, everyone is invited, and if anyone wants to come to my sisters party tommorow at eve's (in machunchleth) then gimme a bell tommorow (friday)during the day, if you can get to mach then do, it will be a good laugh i reacon :)
Love you all.
Owen xox