(no subject)

Oct 30, 2006 23:04

First of all, because there were only five entries in the last challenge, there was only one award that I was going to give out & that was for Viewer's Choice & the winner is:


Congrats hun, you did an awesome job!

Now on to more serious business.

I've really dreaded making this post, because although I didn't want to admit it to myself it seems inevitable that it would happen.

I think it's time for me to leave blendage.

I've been maintaining the community for about 2 years and a half now and though I've really enjoyed posting challenges, making awards and seeing you guys improve overtime, I think that my time as owner of this community has come to a end.

I know that you guys are busy with school and/or work, but the lack of participation lately has been disheartning. Don't get me wrong, this isn't the reason why I'm making this decision, because in all honesty I just think it's time for me to move on.

I would really hate to see this community just die out as so many other blending sites here in LJ have done, and what I would like at this point is to know if there is anybody out there that would like to take over the handling of the community. If you’re interested, then let me know and we'll talk about arrangements & what have you....

It's been an honor being your moderator and owner! *sniff*

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