The Wedding of River Song

Oct 02, 2011 11:29


How can it be so epic, so romantic, so sad, so funny all in just 45 minutes.

Moffat.  You magnificant bastard.  I will adore you to the end of Time.

What I loved...

*  The all of time togetherness - Charles Dickens, pterodactyls, car balloons, Buckingham Senate.

*  The Doctor finding the Dalek, ripping off it's eyestalk and then slamming it onto a bar.  I think having a stetson has gone to his head. LOL.

*  Chess to the death.  Shades of Blakes 7 there, much like the Klute in Gambit.

*  Dorium in the Cave of Skulls and his wi-fi connection.  "You could have told me all this last time we met." "It was a busy day and I got beheaded."

*  "Hell in high heels".

*  The Brig.  I cried.  The poor Doctor's face.

*  "River Song came twice." *snerk*

*  River killing the Doctor and then CHEATING.  :D  Amazing, wonderful River.  And the Doctor's face!!  LOL.

*  "Time can be rewritten." "Don't you dare."  Just like in Forest of the Dead.  I know I'll cry when I watch that again.

*  The Doctor trying to set up Rory & Amy.   "Mr Hottiness" & "Texting and scones"  Oh Doctor!  LOL


*  Amy Pond and machine gun.  & when Amy kills Kavorian.   Much grim satisfaction from me.

*  "So you and me, we should get a drink some time." "Okay." "And married." "Fine."

*  Then the Wedding.

From this...

to this...

It was all Absolutely Perfect.  I can see I'm going to be watching that scene again and again.

*  The scene between Amy & River in the garden.  Perfection AGAIN. "Of course I'm sure, I'm his wife." "Yes, and I'm his... mother-in-law."   Wonderful, Pond family!!


*  I never would have guessed it was the tesselecta in a million years.

And as for this!!!  Be still my beating heart!!!

*  And the question.  Doctor Who?  Of course it was.

river song, bow ties are cool, flailsqueeflail, steve moffat is a genius, pairing: the doctor & river song, mind blown to fuck, the doctor, doctor who, fangasm, doctor who took over my life

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