Squeesta Motherpost 86

Nov 21, 2009 21:59

Call ceiling cat and get yourself a cheezburger, because it's time for the weekly Bleighton macro challenge squeesta fiesta!

What The Hell You Can Post: A Primer On What The Hell You Can Post.

-macros of the theme pic. To make a macro, go to ROTFLBOT. Motivational posters can be made at AutoMotivator or at Motivator. If you want some LOL-spiration, you can check out I Can Haz Cheezburger. Which also has a LOLCAT builder.
-fake ads/book covers/movie posters etc.
-If you can dream it, do it. Yes, just like that eagle poster.
-Multiple entries wins you a lifetime supply of everlasting gobstoppers. That is to say, one.

Here are some examples.

How to post pictures

1. Upload your image to www.imageshack.us, or your lj or wherever.
2. Post in the HTML setting, not Rich Text!
3. Use this code: (img src="http://www.example.com/squeesta.jpg") Except replace the ( ) with < >.
4. If you upload to your lj and the pic address ends in a size description like this: s320x240 it will show up too small to read. Delete the size specification and it will show up at its original size.
5. Go have some pudding.

The Rules: Let me show you them

1. All macros done for this challenge must go under a cut.
2. Don't post your work in the comments to this. Post it to the community.
3. tag your post with the squeesta tag.
4. You must have fun. Or Bleighton will get a divorce.

Theme pics go up every Saturday eventide, Pacific Time. The weekly squeesta motherposts will hang out in the memories, painting their toenails, eating bonbons, and blow-drying their hair. There is no time limit on entries. If you want to post something for a squeesta pic from two months ago, go for it.

Previous Squeestas

Here are all the pictures we've gone through so far.

As of Squeesta 52, the week's submissions are no longer recopied into the masterpost. You will simply have to click the squeesta tag to see what people came up with this week.

Submit a pic!
This week's picture is


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