Lurker is delurkified after a year!

Jul 02, 2009 00:04

1. Favourite Bleighton photo or moment:

2.What is it about this shot/moment that enchants you so?

((L8n's leg wrapped around Blake)) It's just adorable. I think the true personality of their relationship shows through in Blake's eagerness and Leighton ((omg bb ur fingers r so long)) being ever mindful of the camera. I mean that in a good way.

3.When did you realize they were hella slashable?

Blair's letter to Serena in Season One. I don't know why, but I was like "whoa pretty sure that is the actress, not the character".

4. If they were together, how would you like them to come out?

One of them tentatively admitting it after being pressured with questions because that seems most realistic.

5: Who's the top? Why?

I like to think our favourite girls are ~flexible and like to ~mix things up.

6: Their theme song is:

Don't Stand So Close to Me, The Police. Yeah, it's about a teacher and his student. So what? I like sexual tension, so sue me.

7: If Annie Leibovitz ever shoots the Gossip Girl cast, how would you like her to pose Bleighton? Please post or link to a picture demonstrating the desired pose.

A lil current pop for my tastes, but the idea of Blake wrapping around for a kiss is perfection. If Annie went for a lack of unnecessary clothing, I would not complain.

8: Why is Blake the dude?

See, remember that ~flexible comment? :P But I'd have to say Blake is generally the dude because she freaking said so herself. You know, the whole "sometimes I feel like a tranny... I luv mah suits yay me!". Plus, her being the dude? That's just hot.

9: If you could recast them as any couple, real or fictional, which would you pick and why?

OhmygawdwhymustIpick? I hate to be stereotypical lesbian here, but I kinda want Blake to chop off her hair for a day (shush, it's possible) and go all promiscuous Shane to L8n's femme Carmen. L8n can be a singer instead of a DJ, so long as that scene on the mixing table happens. Or the first kiss between them after L8n hooks up with Jenny (Jessica?). You know, the one with the ~tension. Trufax.

10. How should they get together?

Any way that the writers in this community have written, are currently writing, or will write.

11. Fantasy fuck place:

Uhh see #9? I'm sticking to my sound booth notion.

12: Anything else you'd like to add?

I love me some rpf, but I never actually believe it actually happens because I like to think of them as just more characters for me to love. But after seeing those outtakes from Rolling Stone, let it be said that this is the first time I have ever believed that two rl people were hooking up. Oh my sweet GBT.


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