Fic: Victory day, Rating:R

Jan 16, 2009 06:44

Title: Victory Day

Author: annamollyisdead... B.K.A. Anna-Molly... O.K.A. me

Rating: R because I have a potty mouth (seriously sometimes there aren't any better adjectives, although I did try my best to censor) among other reasons.
Disclaimer: Obviously fiction and I don't own anyone because that would be highly illegal.

A/N: So I was majorly bored and ran out of ideas for some good Waldsen fic and thought, "well hey, why don't I try Bleighton" but I had no ideas for that either, SO... (this is gonna be a ridiculously long A/N... bare with me here ppl!) I went over to the magnificent Prompt Pit and found this request:
let's get some major AU. WWII era. Leighton's a bar singer, Blake's a military captain, what happens when these two cross! and thought, "well I'm a history major/creative writing minor! That sounds right up my alley... plus 1940's Leighton (I totally imagined a Peggy Lee/Andrews Sisters/Dinah Shore vibe) = totally hott" So, I gave it a shot and it just kinda took on a mind of its own and became like super long, super quickly. There's a good possibility that it really sucks because I wrote it early in the morning and it's un-beta'd cuz, ermm... I don't have a beta, so all mistakes are my own, especially the anachronisms... and sorry that it's in soo many parts but I'm like so easily distracted that breaking it down was the only way I could keep track of what I was doing.... with that being said... enjoy!

[Part I]
[Part II]
[Part III]
[Part IV]
[Part V]

blake in drag, rating: r, fic, alternate universe

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