Various squee

Jul 22, 2010 18:26

Anybody else seen Inception yet? I pretty much always come away satisfied from Christopher Nolan movies, but this one was particularly enjoyable. Some really wonderful camera perspective tricks to please my inner perception geek, plus the whole nature-of-reality-dreams-within-dreams-mindfuck is just so up my alley. Good stuff.

But, even better, I've spent the last several weeks devouring George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series. Normally I'm much more a sci-fi gal and kind of pooh-pooh fantasy, but these books blew me away. Such a large cast of characters (and so many of them POV characters), yet they're all so vivid and three-dimensional. I adore how muddied everything is and how the lines between good guy and bad guy are so blurry. And so many subtle hints to keep us guessing! I love that Martin seems to want to reward the careful reader. This is exactly the sort of writing I'd like to be able to produce. (I'll probably never come close, but I'm encouraged to know that a dense, complex, and even occasionally impenetrable style can be pulled off successfully.) Who wants to discuss Jon Snow's parentage and make guesses about the three heads of the dragon with me? :)
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