
Aug 08, 2003 07:51

I just woke up (actually, by the time I finished writing this, it had been over an hour) from a weird dream, and I wanna write it down before I forget it. Might as well post it on my journal, it's not like there's much else to write about. Be aware that this will be VERY long and VERY weird, so read at your own risk.


I'm standing in the middle of some kind of huge swank waiting room, all white and bright, and with white marble floors. Against the far wall is a reception desk (although it looks more like an enclosed podium) with double doors right next to it. I'm there with Joey, who was my bestfriend from Kindergarten to 7th grade, although I haven't talked to him in a few years. We look around for chairs, and the only ones we find are two black leather couches right next to eachother, smack dab in the middle of this huge room. Joey and I sit on them, but my chair falls back when I try to recline on it. I'm squirming around like a turtle on it's back for a bit, there's a man and a woman dressed in suits nearby who ignore me asking for help. While I'm sitting there like that, I start to poop. (don't be afraid) I can feel that this couch has a built-in toilet. I promptly finish my business, and the chair returns to it's upright position. Now it's like I didn't even poop at all. The toilet is gone, I don't feel like I'm soiled, and I just seem to carry on without thinking twice about it (by the way, it should be said, I could not control what I was doing in this dream; I could only see, and "hear" what I was thinking about). Joey was sitting in the next chair through all this and hasn't even noticed, it seems. So we're sitting there, when a guy and a girl dressed in weird, colorful clothing come by and start talking to us. This couple ask us a bunch of questions, but Joey and I act suspicious and answer the questions in a way that makes us look like we're hiding something (I don't know what, though). The couple tell us to stay seated, and then enter the double doors. After a few minutes, a big bouncer-looking guy dressed in a tuxedo approaches us and asks us to follow him. He leads up to the double doors, and as we go inside the weird couple are coming out, and they're whispering and giggling about something. Joey and I look at eachother nervously, as if we're screwed.

Inside the double doors is actually a twisting hallway. Before we get to the end, though, the bouncer points us at a door to the side. We enter, and now we're in a conference room of some sort, with a long table surrounded by people sitting in chairs. At the far end of the table is a normal looking guy, who I assume is the boss based on where he's sitting. There are three chairs on each side of the table. The boss gestures at two empty chairs on the left side of the table (our left, not his). So Joey and I sit, but for some reason we move our chairs away from a blonde guy who's sitting next to us. I guess we don't like him for some reason, but he doesn't even look at us. On the other side of the table are three girls whispering and giggling to eachother. I can't really understand them, but somehow I can tell that they're not talking about us. I realize now that one of the girls is a cute blonde who used to live at my old apartment complex and was on my bus during high school. The boss begins speaking to us, and asks us questions. Every now and then, Joey and I sort of "huddle" and whisper about something before answering him. I notice that the people who were sitting around the table before are gone now, replaced by generic-looking people who keep writing stuff down on little notepads. The boss says that our next assignment involves doing something on the computer (I don't remember what), and that we'll be paired up. My partner is a beautiful girl, and I see she also has a notepad with some stuff written on it. There's computers against the wall all around the room, something which I hadn't noticed before. Actually, the room is now dark and only the glow of the computer monitors provide light. It looks like an arcade, but there's computers instead of game cabinets. I look around and I notice that every computer is already taken. But then I see someone waving at me. It's my partner, she's found a computer. As I walk toward it, I look around and notice that most of the people are playing videogames instead of working. However, they're playing REALLY old games, like Space Invaders and Asteroid, etc.

I sit down in front of the computer, next to my partner, the beautiful girl. But I feel that I've sat on something, and then suddenly the TV on the wall comes to life with some french movie or something. I immediately get the remote I sat on and turn the TV off. I look back at the conference table at the center of the room, and see that the boss is still sitting there, and he's looking at me like he's annoyed. I say "sorry, I sat on the remote". He chuckles and gestures that it's ok, then looks down and starts writing on his notepad. I look at my partner, and she's giggling. She introduces herself (although I can't remember her name now) and says she's impressed that I was able to make the boss laugh, since he is very stoic and unemotional most of the time. I say something stupid like "then my job here is done". I would've smacked myself if I could, but like I said, I can't control this dream. Anyway, like everyone else, we start playing a videogame. It seems to be some sort of cooperative platformer, but my character is Robin from the Teen Titans cartoon (strange, since I've only seen one episode of that show). We're fighting a boss but we both get killed. I look up at the wall clock and see it's 2:20. "The bell rings in 10 minutes!", I think to myself. I start packing stuff into my backpack (which I didn't have before, by the way) and the boss says that I can go eat lunch if I want. I tell him I'm not hungry. He keeps pestering me about going to lunch, but I'm really not hungry, so I keep saying no. Then, my partner (the beautiful girl, remember) gets up, says she's going to lunch and leaves. I say that I will go get some lunch after all and leave. I'm more interesting in being with the beautiful girl than eating, though. When I exit, I'm outside, standing on a balcony/hallway (hard to explain). The balcony is obviously very high up, and looks out onto a town. Theres many houses with dark red roofs, but no tall buildings or anything. There's several other people standing around, but no beautiful girl. One of the people standing around is my mom's friend, Lupe. She tries talking to me about something, but I'm staring out the balcony and don't pay attention to her. I notice some plums of smoking rising up from what appears to be a lower floor. Everyone else notices it too, and we all go to the nearby stairs, thinking it's a fire. But I think to myself that it looks like a smoke signal. In my mind, I picture a guy dressed like an indian kneeling on the ground and draping on towel on and off a campfire, creating the plums of smoke. We all get to the stairs and look down. You know how most stairs are a few steps, then a flat floor, then another few steps in the opposite direction? That's how these were, but at the "flat floor" part, there three girls standing around. Two of them are standing next to eachother and look like they're sad, while another girl with glasses is close to the edge. On the railing is a tray of some kind with a small fire on it, and the girl with glasses is tossing envelopes into the fire, one by one. As if this was normal, everyone walks away to do something else, leaving the three girls and they're mini-bonfire.

I want to get to the cafeteria, but I don't know the way. I overhear a group of girls say something about "practice" and try to follow them, although I don't know why. Unfortunately, I get lost in a maze of some sort, and lose sight of them. Suddenly I'm indoors and am sticking my head inside an open door, where I see those girls I was trying to follow, along with a bunch of other ones. They're dressed as cheerleaders but are preforming ballet. Some of the girls look at me funny, so I exit. Outside, I realize that the door was made of glass, and also has big glass windows next to it on both sides, like a clothing store. There are a few guys standing in front of the windows and ogling at the girls inside. I walk away. Now I'm walking around what looks like a mall, with several stores all around, but I can tell that it's actually a school of some kind. The place is packed with people, some of them with backpacks, some of them not but all of them young people around the age that you'd see in high school or college. I see two guys walking around in boxers, each carrying a basket with dirty laundry. I wonder (in the dream, not in real life) if maybe this is some sort of campus, and some of these people actually live here. I finally find my way to the cafeteria, although it's more like a foodcourt, with several different restaurant booths around. I don't care about eating though, I just want to find that girl. My plan is to offer to buy her lunch and get to know her. As I walk around the cafeteria, I look around at all the tables looking for the beautiful girl, but I don't see her. This place, too, is packed with people and every table is taken. I wonder if maybe she already ate and went back to the conference room while I was messing around, so I decide to go back. I still don't know which way it is. I'm walking around the "mall" again, when I suddenly feel someone from behind hump me with their knee (it's hard to explain) for a few seconds, and then disappear. I look around to see who it was, but everyone just walks by as if nothing had happened. Then, I notice a little kid snickering at me. I know it wasn't him (don't know how, I just know), but I don't like that he's laughing at me, so I make some loud stomping noises to scare him away. Feeling all manly, I try to walk away but slip and fall on my ass. A small group of people a ways behind me start laughing and mockingly cheering, and I start laughing too, not knowing what else to do. I look at my feet and notice that I'm in socks, which is why I slipped, and I point this out to them. Then, two people walk by still laughing, and one of them is my cousin. He helps me up and we chat for a while, then he says he's late for something and leaves. He's several feet away when I call out to him and he runs back to hear what I have to say. I ask him which way is the Technodrome (wtf??) and he points me in a direction, then leaves again.

I walk in that direction (my shoes have magically appeared on my feet again) and enter what appears to be a dome-shaped chamber. It's dark and barely lit, like the conference room, but instead of computers there are some kiosks with Gamecubes and XBoxes. The place is pretty empty, only inhabited by one or two people. I walk up to the Gamecube kiosk and notice that it has Phantasy Star Online on it. Interestingly, I played this game to death on Dreamcast, and have recently been thinking about buying it for Gamecube. Anyway, I take the controller and start playing. However, rather than a human player, I'm controlling a monster (specifically, a white albino Booma, which doesn't actually exist in the game). I'm standing in what is obviously the game's first level, Forest. Nearby is the corpse of a dead monster, a regularly colored Booma. I try to walk up to it, but my albino yelps as if it's hurt, so I stop. Instead, I walk into a nearby warp. When I appear on the other side, I immediately keel over dead. I notice there are several human players standing around me, so I assume that one of them killed me. Then I wake up.


That's it, the end. If you read all that, get yourself a cookie and pretend it's a present from me. It's a weird dream, eh? I have these sorts of confusing nonsense dreams all the time, but I never write them down. I think I might start to. Here's some thoughts I have on what the dream means.

- In the dream, I arrived with Joey but didn't see him again. I think this is like a mirror representation of real life. I knew Joey for a LONG time, but we lost touch.

- The falling chair and the pooping is probably a warning that I loiter around too much, and if I'm not careful I'm gonna turn into one of those couch potatos who would rather soil themselves than have to stand up and miss what they're watching.

- The conference room seemed more like a classroom of some sort. Maybe this is my subconcious' way of telling me I should go back to college (I'm going anyway).

- Everyone playing games instead of working is probably a warning not to goof off at school. Also, I noticed while writing this that the "bell will ring in 10 minutes" is EXACTLY what I used to do in high school. When it got to around 2:20 (school let out at 2:30) I would always get anxious and start packing up all my books. Actually, everyone did that. Most teachers didn't even care, some even let us leave early.

- The beautiful girl might represent a girl that was in my class when I went to college last year. She was very beautiful, but we never even talked, even though we sat next to eachother. Maybe this means I should try talking to her when I go back, if she's even still there.

- Interestingly, Lupe (my mom's friend) is coming to visit today. She lives far away, plus she's always very busy, so we rarely see her.

- Getting lost in the maze probably represents how I haven't really been out on my own, so it would be easy for me to get lost. I take this to mean that I need to stop worrying about my mom and get my life in order, rather than holding myself back for her sake.

- The humping incident might mean I should be careful when I go to the mall that I don't get assaulted by a rogue knee. Probably not, though...

- The part where I'm playing the game and die is probably a warning not to get addicted to it again.

Well, that's it. I might start writing in my journal again. Maybe. We'll see.
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