May 09, 2007 13:11
i think i'm pretty ok with my life right now. since it is the end of the semester i've been trying to figure out when i'll be able to graduate (finally) and what i would like to do in the period of time, how i can make the most of my time.. all of that crap. and i really think that things will work out well. i definitely won't be setting any records on getting out of here, but i will finish. and i am not going to count down like i have so many times in the past. i'm going to just start enjoying what i am doing. i like a lot of my classes (i mean if you don't know by now, i'm a nerd) and i want to understand them. it just gets super frustrating when i get really terribly grades. but i learned that i was overcommitting myself and now i'm going to have enough time to do everything right.
and i will.
work begins monday. AND i passed my drug test. silly testers.