
Jul 13, 2010 18:21

Just to put it out there..... I haven't signed into livejournal and couldn't really remember the name of it for... well... quite a long time. But anyway, just wanted to post a lovely link to our company just so that if anyone stumbles upon my super-cool old writings on livejournal they can see what I'm up to now....

We do web design, multimedia production, videos, photography, print design and all that great stuff.... ShinyGoldShoes http://www.shinygoldshoes.com

Oh yea, and I'm living in Samolaco Italy... Yep, it's near Chiavenna, which is near St. Moritz and really close to Lago di Como.... it's 100 km north of Milano. Let's see.... also, I have a chunky monkey lady now.... she's almost 1 1/2 years old.... wow, it's been a long time since I wrote on here :D

Happy times!


production, what am i doing, video, shinygoldshoes, design

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