And the look upon your face was an element of grace.

May 03, 2004 00:05

UnspokenReasons: I ment to tell you, but yeah, your writing is absolutely gorgeous. You have a wonderful talent, and Im very envious.
imaremedyforruin: wow! thank you.
imaremedyforruin: it means alot. really
UnspokenReasons: You are very welcome.
UnspokenReasons: I love your style, and I mean as a writer, its just truly wonderful.
imaremedyforruin: thank you so much
UnspokenReasons: No need for thanks.
UnspokenReasons: God has blessed you in many ways. You have so much potential for life. You'll be nothing but successful and happy.
imaremedyforruin: these are the best compliments i have ever gotten
UnspokenReasons: Well, they're more truths in the beauty of you.
imaremedyforruin:that's beautiful
imaremedyforruin: but please get better and fell well. i have to get some sleep..
UnspokenReasons: Understandable. I hope you have a good night Chase, and you sleep well.
UnspokenReasons: Have a good day tomorrow as well..
imaremedyforruin: i will. you too.
imaremedyforruin: sleep well.
UnspokenReasons: You too. Good night. imaremedyforruin: night

A healthy new obsession... Chase <3

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