
Jun 25, 2005 21:00

Yeah so i decided to start one of these things up again..IDK it gives me something to do..Im in a really weird mood im like so bored its not even funny. So far my summer has absolutely sucked major ballz like huggggggo..It seems as if no one likes to hangout anymore. Either that or im Anti- Social. I just dont understand i thought this summer was going to be amazing. I had all kinds of plans and was just going to have lots of fun, and yet i sit here and do absolutely nothing. I hardly even here from anyone anymore. I find myself talking to my guy friends more than my girl friends who i have known longer and hung out with more of but o well. I just dont understand what happened. I guess its a change. I guess its all apart of getting older and growing up. Everyone develops a "life". Maybe im just so used to the way things used to be im not realizing that it has changed. I guess i have a tendenacy to holding on to the past though in more than one situation. Im still having fun, it just seems im alone. Not alone but just distant from people.
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