Tears in a Storm

Mar 04, 2010 23:14

I feel you in the wind off the ocean
I feel you in the warmth of the sun
I see you in the waves
I miss you
You're tied so tight into my life
There's so many holes to fill
There's so much anguish
Tears go hand in hand with sobs
Hugs all comfort
But none like yours
Blindsided by sorrow
Warmed by a community of love
I could always cry with you
Now I just weep alone at night
You showed me a love
You made me a better human
The tears keep coming
I didn't get enough time with you
I want more hugs
It was because of you
I discovered so much
You held my heart
I'll always hold yours in mine
I don't want to let you go
Please stay with me a while
Talk with me
Give me a shoulder to cry on
Tell me it'll be ok
One last laugh
Tell your mom to pick me up some waffles
We can watch Gilmore Girls
Argue about everything
Poke each other
Maybe even a wrestling match
We can hang out on the green couch
Please be there
I love you
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