Aug 13, 2004 22:13
today was a fun day...but i wont write about it here...just gonna say that i saw avp was better than i thought it would b...anywayz...i dont think i'm that confused anymore...i think i know what i want and what i'm doing...but knowing me i'll b lost and confused again soon...but at the moment and for a few days now i've known what i'm doing in the current status i am in...i know this all sounds like a blur..but i dont care..i write for myself yea...if u have any questions..plz ask away, but i mite not answer depending on who u r...but yea...i miss my b/f..he's in idaho visiting his mom and stepdad...sigh...he comes back on our 1 month anniversary corny...o well..l8rz
kudos to all u superstitious folks out there today...i made it thru oki..i hope u did too