Feb 11, 2005 13:51
Hey yeh im in comp again wow its amazing how lil it takes to amuse some ppl the ppl at pway seem to love my life it truly is amazing me and zac are thinking about making our own reality show since evryone one seems to love our relationship since they are consumed with it yeh well valentines day is coming up and i cant get zac much because i spent all my money on his anniversary present which i am so excited about yay!!! i cant wait till we celebrate zacs cooking me dinner and we are going to build a bear and we are going to pf changs and going to see hitch which remeinds me of zac soo much its not even much funny but yeh nehow God is so amazing it makes me want to tell everyone and just yell how truly wonderful he is my baby is so amazing to he spoke in tounges for the first time the other day which was really kwl and hes been praying for things and seeing the results our relationship is truly great i cant wait to see what all God has in store for us my heart really hurts for the ppl at pway though so many of them are so lost and in need of God's love and they dont even know where to turn i want to help so bad but im afraid they wont listen i know some who will but its sometimes hard not to lose hope.... its only like a week before we leave for honduras i am so excited and so is zac i cant wait to see what the Lord has in store for me!!!! did i mention i dont like pway i have done absouloutly nothing at all which shows in my act scores which i am taking again in April im about to check out to go get my shots for honduras i am so scared pray for me much love to all even those who try to make me mad by sending my b/f valentines heh yeh thats gay but im out
I LOVE ZACHARAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!