Mar 04, 2007 01:55
i keep saying to myself over and over how quickly time flies. I can't believe it's already the tenth week of school.
i wont be sleeping much this week. it's like every anthro professor got together, threw a dart at a calendar, and said "hey, march 7th. that's when we'll make EVERYTHING due in ALL of our classes!"
oh, and i made two students cry last week while tutoring them (on two separate days). i went and had a talk with my boss about it, and i guess i didn't do anything wrong, and in fact i may have done something right. I didn't mean to provoke emotions like that, but i guess everyone needs someone to talk to when they're frustrated. i'm still uncomfortable with what happened, though.
went to the LA Zoo with Bev and Danny for extra credit in Primatology today. The orangutans were awesome, and we seemed to catch most of the other primates at feeding time. If given the opportunity, i would LOVE to devote some research and schooling to the apes. I should look into that...
saw Music & Lyrics tonight. I'm sick of Hugh Grant always playing the same 'witty' character, always with the too-soon-for-real-life retort that makes old ladies in the movie theatre giggle. and probably wet themselves with excitement. Drew Barrymore does the same thing; she always plays that strange, quirky girl who has been labeled a 'freak' until she meets the main character. and falls in love. and lives happily ever after. blegh. It might have well have had a laugh track. The only time i genuinely laughed was when Drew banged her head on the piano. thumbs down.