Jun 19, 2004 09:27
wow i had no idea how much i missed shows....how much i missed seeing Normal Like You. They have gotten so good. i have not seen those boys in a year. I tore the mosh pit up (the only girl in there) i broke a nail... in some guys arm. now thats fucken hardcore let me see some of you other mother fuckers do that! Dexter Danger was there too, but Aymen has a lung infection so he could hardly breath, but he was still up there playing sing and screaming like a mad dog. i took Krystin, that was kinda weird, but i think she liked it, she at least liked all the hot guys. Most of the program was there accept for Paul, i wanted to tell him i love him, hes my favorite. ah the good old day of pissing of Paul.
I feel old... i went to the show expecting to see a lot of old friends, paterson, newman, gustine, tracy, and livermore kids, but no one was there. it was a wave of all new brats, middle school and early high school. it makes me sad.
Go Visit normallikeyou.com DO IT NOW!
i got my license muther fuckers, so watch yourself when im on the road. Krystin is flipping out though, she lost her license for 6 months so i have to drive every where and shes going insane.