(no subject)

Feb 13, 2004 13:53

[ .001. ] First name: Krystin
[ .002. ] Middle name: Nicole
[ .003. ] Last name: Sanders
[ .004. ] Nickname(s): Homey K...By Theresa
[ .005. ] Gender: Female
[ .006. ] Age: 16
[ .007. ] Birthday: August 28, 1987
[ .009. ] Hair color: My original hair color is dirty blonde
[ .010. ] Eye color: Blue/Hazel
[ .012. ] Do you wear glasses or contacts: I wear glasses
[ .013. ] Do you have braces: no
[ .014. ] Is your hair long or short: short
[ .015. ] State: Kentucky
[ .016. ] Current location: Here...
[ .017. ] Zodiac sign: Virgo
[ .018. ] How many languages do you know: 1, and some French
[ .020. ] Bad habits: Hard headed and pessimistic
[ .021. ] Piercings you have: My ears are pierced
[ .022. ] Piercings you want: My lebret, my eyebrow, and my tongue
[ .023. ] Tattoos you have: none
[ .024. ] Tattoos you want: Tragedy and comedy
[ .025. ] Today's date: February 13 2004
[ .026. ] The time: 1:56
[ .027. ] Ready for a bunch more questions: No.

. : Family : .
[ .028. ] Mother's name: Lisa
[ .029. ] Father's name: Chris
[ .030. ] Step-parent's name, if any: Sabine
[ .031. ] Brother(s)'s name(s): Don't have one
[ .032. ] Sister(s)'s name(s): Tiffany
[ .033. ] Favorite aunt: Don't have one...
[ .034. ] Favorite uncle: Uncle Owens
[ .035. ] Favorite grandparent: My grandma Sanders
[ .036. ] Worst relative: My dad
[ .037. ] Best relative: My sister
[ .038. ] Do you get along with your parents: sometimes
[ .039. ] Does anyone in your family understand you: I'm very misunderstood, not only by my family but by other people too...I wonder why 0_o

. : School : .
[ .045. ] Are you still in school: yes
[ .044. ] Did you drop out: no
[ .045. ] Current gpa, or last gpa you got: No clue...
[ .046. ] Favorite grade: ...
[ .047. ] Least favorite grade: ...
[ .048. ] Favorite teacher: Mr. Schroerlucke
[ .049. ] Least favorite teacher: Mrs. Davis
[ .050. ] Favorite subject: Geometry and Art
[ .051. ] Least favorite subject: Theology
[ .052. ] Do/did you buy lunch or bring it: I buy my lunch
[ .053. ] Play any sports on the school's team: No.
[ .054. ] Do/did you do any extracurricular activities: No
[ .055. ] Are/were you popular: I'm very unloved, so I guess that means no.
[ .056. ] Favorite dance: don't have one
[ .057. ] Favorite memory: Meeting my boyfriend Kris
[ .058. ] Least favorite dance: ...
[ .059. ] Least favorite memory: Grade school, because everyone hated me.
[ .060. ] Most humiliating moment: Can't think of one right now, but even if I knew one I wouldn't tell you...

. : Favorites : .
[ .061. ] Number: 13
[ .062. ] Clothing brand: Don't have one
[ .063. ] Shoes: Whatever I chose to wear for the day...
[ .064. ] Saying: I'm screwed...
[ .065. ] TV show: Invader Zim
[ .066. ] Sports: Tennis and Basketball
[ .067. ] Vegetable: All of them, except for onions and mushrooms...ew!
[ .068. ] Fruit: all of them
[ .069. ] Movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Ginger Snaps
[ .070. ] Magazine: Circus, Metal Edge, and some others
[ .071. ] Actor: Brennon Frasier, Jim Carry, Johnny Depp...
[ .072. ] Actress: Sandra Bullok
[ .073. ] Candy: chocolate, and red sweets (watermellon jolly ranchers, twizlers, rock candy, ext.)
[ .074. ] Gum: Juicy fruit and the kind with the crystals in it...It's pretty
[ .075. ] Scent: Tommy girl
[ .076. ] Candy bar: Snickers, Hershy bar, Kit-Kat Bar.
[ .077. ] Ice cream: Chocolate
[ .078. ] Color: black, red, silver
[ .079. ] Season: Summer and Fall
[ .080. ] Holiday: Holloween and Valentines Day
[ .081. ] Band: Coal Chamber, MSD, Killswitch Engage, Avenged Sevenfold...Some others...
[ .082. ] Singer: Dez
[ .083. ] Group: ...
[ .084. ] Rapper: Eminem and Dr. Dre
[ .085. ] Type of music: Rock, metal, and rap.
[ .086. ] Thing in your room: Everything
[ .087. ] Place to be: With my friends and my boyfriend.
[ .088. ] Radio station: 100.5 and 105.1
[ .089. ] TV channel: Anything with cartoons on it, or scifi
[ .090. ] Junk food: Potato chips, candy,
[ .091. ] Overall food: Chinease, and oriental
[ .092. ] Store: Hot topic
[ .093. ] Shoe brand: ...
[ .094. ] Fast food: Wendys
[ .095. ] Restaurant: Texas Roadhouse
[ .096. ] Shape: The corner of a circle...
[ .097. ] Time of day: Too early
[ .098. ] Country: ...
[ .099. ] State: ...
[ .100. ] Boys name: Dmitry
[ .101. ] Girls name: Gage
[ .102. ] Mall: Jefferson
[ .104. ] Shampoo: Peaches and Cream, and Strawberries and cream.
[ .105. ] Board game: None
[ .106. ] Computer game: ...
[ .107. ] Car: ...
[ .108. ] Music video:
[ .109. ] Swear word: Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[ .110. ] Words:
[ .111. ] Month: October because of Halloween and August because of my birthday.
[ .112. ] Cartoon character: Spongebob, and Gir
[ .113. ] Scary movie: Ginger Snaps
[ .114. ] Team:
[ .115. ] Possession: My Nightmare Before Christmas music box, and my German music box.

. : What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear : .
[ .116. ] Eminem: I used to think he was cute 0_o
[ .117. ] Dog: cat
[ .118. ] Hot: Cold
[ .119. ] Britney Spears: Fucked up...
[ .120. ] Nsync: Scary
[ .121. ] Real World: Don't watch it
[ .122. ] Orange: Peach
[ .123. ] Choice: voice...I think I'm trying to rhym...
[ .124. ] Fuck: you?
[ .125. ] Bisexual: most people
[ .126. ] Black: white
[ .127. ] ICQ: icp
[ .128. ] Insane clown posse: juggalo
[ .129. ] Linkin Park: pretty boys
[ .130. ] Jack: the ripper
[ .131. ] Rainbow: fruity
[ .132. ] Cherry: pie
[ .133. ] Cucumber: mellon
[ .134. ] Shark: hungry
[ .135. ] Lifehouse:
[ .136. ] Bat: sexy
[ .137. ] Leather: bondage
[ .138. ] Whip: cream
[ .139. ] America: sucks
[ .140. ] Water: is dull
[ .141. ] Volcano: BOOM!

. :This or that: .
[ .155. ] Hot or cold: hot
[ .156. ] Winter or spring: spring
[ .157. ] Fall or summer: summer
[ .158. ] Shakira or Britney: Hmmm. I would have to chose Lenore, because she's sexier then both of them
[ .159. ] ICP or Eminem: both?...
[ .160. ] Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie: I love Rob Zombie, but I also like Marylin Manson
[ .161. ] Kittie or Garbage: Both are goos, I like their old stuff better
[ .162. ] MTV or Vh1: I don't watch either
[ .163. ] Buffy or Angel: Angel...No Buffy...Angel?
[ .164. ] Dawson's Creek or Gilmore Girls: Don't watch either
[ .165. ] Football or basketball: Not interested right now
[ .166. ] Summer olympics or winter olympics: Don't watch either
[ .167. ] Skiing or snowboarding: Skiing
[ .168. ] Rollerblading or skateboarding: Both
[ .169. ] Black or white: Green
[ .170. ] Orange or red: both...I'm such a flame 0_o
[ .171. ] Yellow or green: neither
[ .172. ] Purple or pink: pruple
[ .173. ] Slipknot or Mudvayne: mudvayne
[ .174. ] Hot Topic or Pac Sun: hot topic
[ .175. ] Inside or outside: outside
[ .176. ] Weed or alcohol: both
[ .177. ] Cell phone or pager: cell phone
[ .178. ] Pen or pencil: pen
[ .179. ] Powerpuff Girls or Charlie's Angels: Powerpuff girls
[ .180. ] Scooby Doo or Dino: Scooby Doo
[ .181. ] Dragon Ball Z or Pokemon: Don't watch either of them
[ .182. ] Star Wars or Star Trek: Neither of them
[ .183. ] Tattoos or piercings: piercings
[ .184. ] Prep or punk: punk
[ .185. ] Slut or whore: slut?

. : Private life : .
[ .186. ] Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: yes
[ .187. ] Do you have a crush: Yes and no.
[ .188. ] Do you love anyone right now: yes
[ .189. ] Have you ever been in love: yes?
[ .191. ] How many hearts have you broken: none
[ .192. ] How many people broke your heart: Too many
[ .193. ] Best quote to sum up love: ...
[ .194. ] What is your boyfriend/girlfriend/crush like: Like me in some ways, but I like the differences between us. I like that we have something new to talk about everyday then the same damn thing over and over again.
[ .193. ] Do you have a picture of him/her: Yes, alot actually
[ .196. ] Do you have a picture of yourself: yes
[ .197. ] Do you go by looks or personality: personality. It really doesn't matter what people look like on the outside.
[ .198. ] Ever kiss a friend: Yes
[ .199. ] Are you still friends: Yes
[ .200. ] Moving along..do you smoke: Yes
[ .201. ] Do you smoke weed: Yes
[ .202. ] Ever trip on acid: No
[ .203. ] How about a little : No
[ .204. ] Crack, heroin, anything else: No
[ .205. ] Beer good or beer bad: Beer bad...I like hard stuff
[ .206. ] Are you the sissy who drinks Wine Coolers: No
[ .207. ] Do you like Smirnoff Ice: It's sexy....
[ .208. ] Prefer beer or liquor: Hard liquor
[ .209. ] What kind of cigarettes do you smoke: Newports.

. : Would you ever : .
[ .210. ] Bungee jump: Yes
[ .212. ] Swim with dolphins: Yes
[ .213. ] Scuba dive: Yes
[ .214. ] Go rock climbing: Maybe
[ .215. ] Eat shit for $1,000,000: No....Fuck no!
[ .216. ] Turn your back on your friends for personal gain: No
[ .217. ] Steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: Never
[ .218. ] Cross-dress: No.
[ .219. ] Lie to the police: Maybe
[ .220. ] Run from the police: ...
[ .221. ] Lie to your parents: Have done it before
[ .222. ] Walk up to a stranger and kiss them: I've done it before...
[ .223. ] Be an exotic dancer: Maybe, if I looked a bit prettier then I do now then yes I would be one.
[ .224. ] Walk out of a restaurant without paying: Maybe
[ .225. ] Streak: I'm very body concious

. :Your friends : .
[ .226. ] Best friend: Theresa
[ .227. ] Known longest: Nikki
[ .228. ] Wish you talked to more: Claude
[ .229. ] Wish you saw more: Kris
[ .230. ] How many friends do you think you have: Alot I guess
[ .231. ] Who drives you insane after a while: Myself
[ .232. ] Who can you stay around forever and never get sick of: Theresa and Kris
[ .233. ] Ever lose a good friend because you took that to the 'next level': No
[ .234. ] Can always make you laugh: Theresa, Kris, and Claude
[ .235. ] Hot tempered: Kris on the occasion
[ .236. ] Most impatient: Nikki
[ .237. ] Shortest: Corrie
[ .238. ] Tallest: Theresa
[ .239. ] Skinniest: Theresa
[ .240. ] Nicest: Theresa
[ .241. ] Best personality: Theresa
[ .242. ] Biggest drug user: ...No comment

. :Have you ever: .
[ .243. ] Flashed someone: Yes
[ .244. ] Told the person you liked how you felt: yeah
[ .245. ] Been to Michigan: no
[ .246. ] Gotten really REALLY wasted: Yes
[ .247. ] Gone to jail or juvi: No...
[ .248. ] Skateboarded: I have before, but then I got bad luck and everytime my foot touched the board I would slip and fall on my ass...Sounds fun don't it?
[ .249. ] Skinny dipped: Yes
[ .250. ] Stolen anything: Yes
[ .253. ] Pegged someone in the head with a snowball: ...Maybe?
[ .254. ] Broke a beer bottle: Yes?...
[ .255. ] Gotten into a bar, under-aged: yes
[ .256. ] Kissed someone of the same sex: yes
[ .257. ] Flipped someone off: yes
[ .258. ] Gone on a road trip: no
[ .259. ] Gone on vacation without adult supervision: not yet.
[ .260. ] Been to a concert: Pleanty...And there are more to come ^_^
[ .261. ] Been to another country: nope
[ .262. ] Talked back to an adult: yeah
[ .263. ] Got pulled over: Don't drive
[ .264. ] Got in a car accident: Don;t drive
[ .266. ] Given money to a homeless person: ...I don't think I have
[ .267. ] Tried to kill yourself: Once or twice
[ .268. ] Cried to get out of trouble: When I was little I did that.

.: What did you do.:.
[ .282. ] Last birthday: Went out to eat and to the movies to see Freddy Versus Jason.
[ .283. ] Yesterday: Went to my LANSAT meeting
[ .284. ] Last weekend: I went to my boyfriend's house Sunday...
[ .285. ] Christmas: Went over to my grandma's house...
[ .286. ] Thanksgiving: Thought I was going to get fat because I went to 3 different places and had about 5 different meals...
[ .287. ] New year's eve: Slep through it
[ .288. ] Halloween: Went to the movies with my boyfriend and my friend.
[ .289. ] Easter: Can't remember
[ .290. ] Valentine's day: Went to my boyfriend's house

. : The last : .
[ .291. ] Thing you ate: A Mc. Grittle this morning and some Munchos
[ .292. ] Thing you drank: Orange juice and lemon lime
[ .293. ] Thing you wore: Pajamas and my Korn shirt
[ .294. ] Place you went: Walmart
[ .295. ] Thing you got pierced/tattooed: My eyebrow
[ .296. ] Person you saw: My mom
[ .299. ] Song you heard: Some Perfect Circle song

. : Now : .
[ .300. ] What are you eating: nothing
[ .301. ] What are you drinking: nothing
[ .302. ] What are you wearing: My korn shirt, a black shirt underneath it, and some blue jeans
[ .303. ] Any shoes on: yes
[ .304. ] Hair: Down like it always is.
[ .305. ] Listening to: Nothing
[ .306. ] Talking to anyone: No one
[ .307. ] Are you pissed I made this so long: In a way yes and in a way no

. :Yes or no : .
[ .308. ] Are you a vegetarian: no
[ .309. ] Do you like cows: I like them as food
[ .310. ] Are you a bitch: Sometimes
[ .311. ] Are you artistic: In my own weird way I guess I am
[ .312. ] Do you write poetry: Yes
[ .313. ] Are you a fast runner: Sometimes
[ .314. ] Can you ski: Yes
[ .315. ] Are you british: No
[ .316. ] Do you want to spear Brittany: No, but one of my friends want too
[ .317. ] Do the voices talk to you: All the fucking time...How did you know?
[ .318. ] Did you ever give barbie a haircut: Yes, and a mullet, and a fro, and a mohock and I even shaved her balled.
[ .319. ] Would you eat mac & cheese with hot dogs in it: No because I hate hotdogs
[ .320. ] Do you think Disney creators were on acid when they made 'Alice in Wonderland: Have you ever seen the game Alice?
[ .321. ] Are you straight: Sometimes
[ .322. ] Are you stupid, insane, and another physically handicapped: Maybe
[ .323. ] Are you fat: I think I am sometimes, but my friends tell me I'm not
[ .324. ] Are you skinny: I guess
[ .325. ] Are you short: No
[ .326. ] Are you tall: no
[ .327. ] Do you own a hot pink shirt: No
[ .328. ] How about orange pants: No
[ .329. ] Can you see the flying monkeys: Yes, because everyone believes I'm the wicked witch of the west.
[ .330. ] Are you evil: Yes, very
[ .331. ] Did you ever know someone who had a mullet: yes
[ .332. ] Is Britney a whore: yes
[ .333. ] Are you a teenage Zombie: yes and I love blood, so does that make me a vampire too?
[ .334. ] Am I annoying you: are you gay?
[ .335. ] Do you like Marilyn Manson: yes
[ .336. ] Are you secretly from another planet: To many yes
[ .337. ] Do you shop at Hot Topic: Yes
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