Your hands around my neck, you hold so tight-

Jul 25, 2005 12:41

my breathe escapes me every time,
your grip grows stronger all the time.

Norm's b-day weekend was pretty sweet.
My upper-body is sore. Intoxicated tubing kicks my ass.
Hung out with a bunch of people who made the weekend swell.

Nicky, Trevor, Andrew, Ryan, Dave, Nick, Cara, Norm, kristin,
and myself pre-gamed in the double-deuce. then went next door
to the double-oh for introductions and grubbed down on some
good food. then we made our way over to the waters edge for an
interesting time out on the boat. Apparently men have the need
to compete so bad they can lose their shorts and be okay with
it. Yeah, I took one for the team and lent my shorts to that guy.
After that madness we made our way back to double-deuce and
continued the drink-age. Gets a little hazy after that but we
all enjoyed ourselves and I crashed early because I'm a tired boy.

The morning was fantastic. I enjoyed myself immensely. Then I got
up and hung out until breakfast was served and washed it down with
what else, a tasty summer ale. Continued indulging with Norm on
his actual b-day until dave left with lindsay, and then later on
derek and ryan showed up. Trevor had left earlier because of noise
complaints but I wasn't around for that. The rest of the gang hung
out and waited for the second round of tubing to occur. Fun times.
Eventually everyone departed and my love came over to top the night
off. Had a great time for not leaving my house for two days.

Today I get to go and get fitted for a tux, yippie. That is clearly
a lot more fun than going to a sold out kse and as I lay dying show.
Hopefully I will attain the flow/ride to go to btbam, red chord, acacia.

This weeks outlook: dull.
Suppose to start working some time this century.
Need to acquire funds allowing me to go places. (canada, warp tour)
I need a hair cut. I need a few other things, blah.
How am I going to pay for my call. Still wondering.

I'm out. sick of writing about the mess that is my life.
At least I have a few things to keep me grounded. Leave
some shit for me to gaze upon while i'm bored and scrolling
through the wasteland that live journal continues to be.
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