Comment with ICONS and I'll pick some for you to explain.
1. This one I just kind of considered cute. It's of my favorite character from the digimon series ever - Daisuke/Davis. He's utterly cute, wears goggles (yay goggles <3), and he's my favorite type of character in anime. I'm always drawn to the sort of dorky but personable characters who are usually not that bright but have a good heart and fight for what they believe in, even if things don't always go their way. They might not be the most intelligent or attractive characters but they're my favorites (this is partly because I identify with them)
2. Why oh why he had to pick 4 Sailor Moon icons I don't know. This one happens to be meaningless. I just really liked the hammy tears look on Usagi's face and her outfit.
3. Again, totally meaningless. I have a fondness for that penguin and find it amusing that someone as unbelievably unsexy as me has an icon about being a sexy penguin. Though, I guess by penguin standards I might be sexy. Though, I think I'm just a bit too colorful and not cold-weather loving enough. Maybe I'm an elephant or a hippo.
4. Once again Sailor Moon :D. This icon really drew me in when I found it, mostly because of her pose and the fact that she's hanging upside down and laughing her face off (or being embarrassed, either way). For a long time, my 'me' characters always had the quirk of being upside down in pictures or were just constantly upsidedown. I even frequently lay around upsidedown while at home. So yeah, funny poses.
5. Yay Usagi being stressed out by school? I just started up college and I'm a bit of a dope half of the time (the other half, I'm apparently gifted). So I figured an icon of one of my present favorite fandom characters being stressed with school work would work. I tend to identify a lot with Usagi, especially cause we're both lazy XD And magical girls (yes, secretly I am card captor john goodman. WHERE IS THE FIC/ICON, TURCOFF?)
6. XD guess what series this is from? Yep, Sailor Moon. This is the only icon I've been able to find of one of my favorite dressed villains - Sailor Iron Mouse! Her human self, Chūko Nezu tends to wander around in this cute little pinstripe suit and get orders from her boss via calls in a phone booth. And I've always had a thing for pinstripe suits, particularly with shades and dammit, she's just the cutest little villain with such an adorable name!
Yeah I'm lame XD -hopes someone else does this meme so she can have better icons picked-