Sep 05, 2007 00:21
Well I found out my "A" day schedule today, as it was the first day of school.
Block 1 - German I
Block 2 - Gym
Block 3 - Portfoilio Prep
Block 3 - Portfolio Prep
Block 4 - US History 2
and for referance, yes I got second lunch this year, so it is in the MIDDLE of 3rd block
Well the night before my first day of school (it's midnight so I don't know what to call it at this point XD) I couldn't sleep which is a habit I've picked up. I get too nervous for it. So I figured I'd just sleep when I got home and so I was up reading books all night. I got showed and dressed neatly and such and things were going okay so far.
First "mishap" of the day was my new school bus. We moved at the end of last year, and the street I take the bus on now-or should take the bus on now since they seem to think I should walk up to stanbridge for a stop even though there's a stop on haws where I live-has a lotta kids. So the bus was kinda crowded and that upset me a little. Plus the bus driver was late and seems to have a reputation for it.
When we got to school-generally they leave us about 10 minutes to hang out in front-I was really pleased cause Damon, Stephen and Brett (the three dudes I hang out with all morning :D) were already there so I got to see them again after all these months. Well Stephen walked up right after I got there but still. And then while we were takling, our hyper friend Chris showed up-I missed him, he's a sweet guy. Childish but sweet-and we had some hugs.
Homeroom wasn't too bad. Damon and I are in the same homeroom and we sit together so we chatted it up and made fun of the school papers (the funniest part being when we went over the discapline code and when it listed unlawful harassment as an offense Damon asked the teacher "does this mean there is LAWFUL harassment?" and then we laughed)
After homeroom-which was an hour long for briefings on stuff-we went to the auditorium for the "welcome" speech from the principal (Damon has nicknamed him the walrus) and it started with "This year semptember followed august, just like it did last year and the year before." Since Damon and I had snagged seats all the way at the back(while waving at our favorite teachers when we saw them) we were able to hide for the most part that sometimes we'd yawn or make faces or not clap as enthusiastically. It also hid for the most part that I was doodling(I got inspiration. I drew a walrus saying "this year september followed august like it did last year. You'd have to be stupid if you thought it wouldn't!") but after that picture(I was paying attention while drawing it don't worry) I didnt' really want to doodle much else.
Damon and I have no classes together but he directed me to where my German 1 class would be-luckily not too far. Frau is nice and the language is fun(I like all the funny sounds like the z sound-their z is said like a ts which is an awesome sound) but I did have to sit in a small desk(I'm big, it is not, this will not work) and we learned the numbers up to twenty(which I already knew courtesy of Daddy teachign me a few words in german when I was younger. Only number that's ever given me trouble pronounciation wise is their nubmer 5 which is like funf and I always say it like finf or something. Its my favorite of their numbers though cause its fun to say)
After German I had to locate the gym-which I have never done before but luckily I passed Damon in the hall as he was leaving it and he directed me :3 Gym was okay, we sat on the bleachers and listened to the list of rules and stuff. THey're gonna give us choices of some activities which may not be too bad. I'm looking forward to soccer (I'm such a goggle head) and they require aquatics which apart from being seen in a bathsuit does not strike me as a bad thing.
I started getting a little tired and headachy during the Gym briefing and when I got to portfolio prep I had a major migraine and felt sick as a dog and didn't really want to do art anyway. They didn't give us any sort of real explaination of the classes until after we'd been given the thing and had to choose on the spot pretty much (all summer I"ve been kinda wishing I didn't take portoflio prep and advanced drawing. D; I was looking forward to jewelry making and/or photography. plus I lost my arting mojo) The first thign we had to do after a bit of discussing of how the class would run and such, was start self portraits. God damn people. Yanno I don't mind looking in the mirror now and then, but seriously the only time I really feel bad about how I look is when I have to god damn stare at my face in a stupid mirror on my desk and draw the damn thing. It feels liek what I'm drawing is the real me and I can't face is or something but I know that what I draw looks nothing like what I see in the mirror and that bugs me more.
Yeah so balancing being sick, not really wanting to do more then doodle, and having to do ap roject I hate, I already disliked portfolio prep. The only thing that didn't really bug me is the teacher. Ogi' is a teacher I've had for different art classes several years in a row and she's a nice lady. She's tough but she's nice so that's not a problem. I didnt' really mind any of my teachers today. It was the class itself that bugged me.
Haflway through 3rd block-which didn't bug me cause I couldn't stand looking in a mirror for 90 minutes straight-we had lunch. Damon, Stephen and I pretty much just claimed our usual table and hung out. Stephen's in my art classes so it wasn't hard. They ddin't have anything I wanted to eat in any of the lines today so I just saved my money to get something after school. We hung out and I complained a bit and Damon showed us a review we'd do in our history class-I actually knew some of the answers cause my Daddy's a history/war buff-and Damon helped me learn a few things.
After lunch we went back to Ogi's class-I really didn't want to work on the portrait about then and to top off the headache I'd started getting this burning in my throat and felt like puking. Not fun D;
When her class finally ended Stephen and I went to our last class-History. Damon and I were really excited to get this one history teacher cause he's really cool, has a great sense of humor, and is a generally neat teacher. We both got him(separate blocks but we got him :D he's the one Damon had the review from) and the teacher was nice enough to offer to let me sit at one of the tables in the back instead of one of the little desks (He's tall and kind of big like I am so he knows how uncomfortable the little desks are :3)
Apart from feeling like shit the class ruled. It was a little slow but apart from that it was a good class. :D I hope next time I go there I dont' feel sick so I can enjoy the class. Plus since we're in the art SLC we get to do art projects(not drawing, like arts and crafty stuff which I don't mind as much for history) and he's not a packet king like my last history teacher. I'm bad with packets. But this teacher likes notes. I'm not one for taking notes but I do better with them then I do with packets cause I lose those.
After school I was lucky enough to find one of the girls i know who rides me bus and she showed me where it picked us up. Damon takes the bus that's parked right next to it and both are usually late so we got to chat for a bit till his showed up. I was standing around in the sun-my eyes did not like that-feeling like crap till the bus showed up and I was able to get a seat and head home.
I stopped at the corner store when I did get home and picked up some comfort food(yes i admit I like my comfort food) A bag of my favorite chips, a box of a kind of poptarts I never had(I was curious), two small pudding cups(they were 50 cents each) and a box of cookies. None of which-except the poptarts cause I wanted to try one-have been opened yet and its been several hours(that was at like 3 pm. Its 1 am now)
When I got home I had a poptart and crashed cause I was really tired(I did take some medicine first though) but I got woken up an hour or so later by Paul who wanted me to pick up some chinese food for him(we both wanted to get chinese the other day but mom instead just got the rice and made her own veggies and meat instead XP) He was nice enough to give me enough so I could get something(the chinese place is 3 blocks away ish so that's good payment in my eyes for the trip) It took me a few minutes to write down his order cause I was still out of it and I had to wait a while at the chinese place, but when I got home I got to have some sweet and sour chicken(I love that stuff. without the sauce) and go back to sleep. I had like 2 chicken pieces before I crashed again and i just woke up and finished the box. XD It may be cold but it's good.
Tommorrow I have English, Chemistry, Advanced Drawing, and some other class that slips my mind. Oh. XD Duh. Geometry. None of which I'm looking forward to. Well I'm curious about advanced drawing and I missed the teacher (she's a nice lady and kinda funny even if she has a problem with saying one thing when she really wants something else and not noticing that she does this) I hopefully will feel better tommorrow. :3
I guess the day could have gone much worse but still I was sick through part of it so that is coloring my view. XD Anywho, till I next write. Nini!
first day of school