Good morning. Please, please kill me. In the past three days I have cried each day more than twice! That is not pleasant. It's just been the worst week. I've only been working in Birthdays two weeks and I already can't wait to leave. It's the same with everyone else too. If they could just make a few changes we'd all be a lot happier, but they're more bothered with the customers. Hello? You need staff to get customers! But on the plus side we have Madagascar stuff coming out soon. Soooo cute! Soft toys and bags and mugs and cakes... and theyre all so damn cute. Especially the penguins!! :D
Anyway, what else has been going on? Nothing. Because I've been too effing busy. Monday I got up, went to work, came home at 7ish, watched some tv, then went to sleep. Same on Tuesday. Same last night. Today I'm in 2-8 which isn't so bad, but it's still like I'm gonna be doing nothing this morning, then working, then coming home and going to sleep. I soooo cannot wait to go out this weekend. Me and Kayla are going. But it all depends on whether or not I actually have money. Meant to be getting paid tomorrow but I'm supposed to be getting a cheque just this once for some stupid reason, so that won't clear for a few days. Grrrrrrrrrr!
Well I better go. Seriously, does anyone want to kill me? Oh yes, and Danny, sorry I couldn't text you back, I have no money in my phone :(
Lis x
ps. 15 days till HP & HBP! So here's some stuff.
First look at Mad Eye Moody? << it's most definately a fake, but then you never know. Why would Mad Eye wear an eye patch? Unless it isn't an eye patch and just looks like one... *shrugs* Anyway, it's a sticker that was auctioned on ebay.
I don't know anyone named Harry Potter, but this is just fun: If your name is Harry Potter, you can head over to any WHSmith bookstores on July 16th (with a Birth Certificate or Photo ID) and claim a free copy of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! Now how awesome? :D
Also, I don't know if anyone's heard the story about bets on who dies in book 6, but I've heard a very strong rumour. Can't count on it but it's an interesting thought.... You can read
this article if you're interested.
And this is rather funny:
what you can learn about the next Harry Potter book just by looking at the cover. Hehe :D
I'm so excited. XD