Oct 13, 2006 21:24
Today in MCB a kid jumped up on stage with a boom box and stripped down to a tiny pair of black spandex underwear while playing "I'm Too Sexy" or something similar. He just walked around flexing his muscles for a few minutes while my professor tried not to die of embarrasment. Then he just walked out of the lecture hall while 600 people wondered "what the fuck?"
The funniest part was that most people were too tired/ stressed out to really care. That brings me to my point. College is stressful. I've stressed out and cried about my major once or twice this year...BUT, I'm so sick of pre med kids making themselves physically sick and having nervous breakdowns about it. The smartest girl in my MCB class who I really look up too just dropped out because she claimed she couldn't handle it. I spent a good portion of my evening trying to talk down a pre med major who was having a panic attack- sobbing and hyperventilating over her course load. A girl had a breakdown in my bio lab. You get the point.....Here's my stance. FUCK THAT. It's not healthy. I had a chem test today but I still went out last night, got a little ridiculous with the boy I like, and got to bed too late. And as much as I'm not advocating excessive drunk shenanigans, I felt much better and healthier than I would have if I'd spent the night stressing about chemistry. And I still did pretty well on the test.
K, next topic. I decided to pledge Sigma Kappa and I'm really happy with that. I definitely wanted to try everything that was out there and I think I've found a good way to do that. I'm living in the house next semester because I'm able to opt out of my Busey housing contract. The girls in Sigma Kappa are so sweet and are okay with me living there one semester instead of a whole year. So that means I can still get the apartment I wanted for Junior year. It's such a pretty house and will cost less overall than my single in Busey. Oh and the food is great. :) It's such a good sorority too (I know, that can be hard to imagine.) Instead of any sort of hazing (we have a super strict anti-hazing policy) we just get tons of presents from our pledge moms. My room is filled with purple Sigma Kappa stuff....it's silly.
I'm going home this weekend for the first time this year. This is great because it means that I get to see my family and Jessica for her birthday! Hooray.
Haha...I have more updates but lets be honest, I'm sure no one has read this far. :) Maybe more later. I guess I'll go catch up on my Grey's Anatomy.