Fic: Supernatural: Dean/Castiel: "Family Doesn't Give Up" (6/6) COMPLETE

Jun 02, 2011 12:25

Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to comment on this fic. It means a lot. You all rock!! I hope you all enjoy this last chapter.

Title: Family Doesn’t Give Up
Author: Nicole
Chapter: 6/6
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language
Spoilers: 6 X 22
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters. I'm just playing with them a bit.
Genre: Friendship/Angst/hurt/comfort (can be seen as preslash)
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, (some Sam and Bobby)
A/N: This fic is unbetaed, so any errors are mine, if anyone would like to take on the job let me know.
Summary: Post season 6 finale. Dean is determined to save Castiel. No matter what it takes.
Word Count: 1,328

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

“So Sam’s really okay?” Castiel took a seat next to Dean at Bobby’s kitchen table.

“Yep, he’s been able to handle the memories better than anyone ever imagined.” Dean replied.

“Perhaps, he had some help?” Cas wondered.

“If you had said that before this week I would have never thought it was a possibility. But considering we got you back, I’m feeling a bit more open to the idea of miracles.”

“Wonders never cease.” Bobby rumbled as he headed for the refrigerator. He pulled out three beers, handed one to each of them, and sat down.

Sam wandered in a few seconds later and took the remaining seat.

Castiel looked down at his untouched beer. “I’m sorry for what I did to you, Sam.”

He felt Sam’s gentle gaze on him. “Look man, I’m certainly not going to judge you. I’ve done plenty of things I’m not proud of and you did fix me later. Just like you promised.”

“I did?”

“You don’t remember?”

“Some things are still…blurry.”

“You showed up that first night, touched my head, told me I’d be okay, then disappeared.”

“What the hell, Sammy?” Dean blurted. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Sam chuckled. “As weird as this sounds, I didn’t remember it until after we diffused Cas.”

“Well, okay then.“ Dean smiled, then took a swig of beer.

Castiel turned towards Sam. “Why would I have erased your memory?”

“I don’t know. Maybe you wanted us to stay away from you. Maybe you wanted us to fear you. Maybe you didn’t want to be around anyone that reminded you of who you were before you…changed.”

“Just like Darth Vader.” Dean beamed.

Sam rolled his eyes.

“I don’t understand that reference.” Cas stated.

“God, I’ve missed that.” Dean reached out and squeezed his shoulder.

He’d been doing that a lot, touching him. It was nice. He knew it was Dean’s way of saying over and over again, that things were okay between them. It was nice to know someone cared that much. If he’d realized it before, maybe none of this would have happened.

“I’ll explain it to you later.” Dean promised.

Bobby spoke up for the first time in awhile. “Have you asked Cas if he had any ideas about that book?”

“Yep." Dean replied. "It seems none of the angels were aware of anything like it. From what he can remember, neither were any of those souls. They were caught completely by surprise. That’s why things went so smoothly. You don’t put up defenses for something that isn’t supposed to exist.”

“Interesting.” Bobby took a long drink, smacked his lips together and sighed. “I guess we’ll just add that to the list of things we don’t understand.”

“Personally, I don’t care. It worked. Cas is back. We’re all together. For once, things went our way. I’m just going to enjoy this moment.” Dean smiled at each of them.

Cas felt some more of that pain start to melt away.

“I’ll drink to that.” Bobby said and raised his beer.

For the first time that night, Castiel took a drink.


“You think me and Cas should what?” Dean asked.

Sam sighed. “I think you two need to work some things out. I know things are good for the most part, but Dean, I think a road trip would really do you both a lot of good. Take a few days. Talk things out. Air all your dirty laundry.”

“Dude, we’re good. I’m telling you. All that needs to be said has been.”

“Dean, I admit Cas is doing better. A lot better. But can you honestly tell me you don’t see how much guilt he’s still carrying around. He’s still hurting.”

Dean thought about the look that would cross his friends face when he didn’t think anyone was watching. How he’d rarely seen Cas use his feathery abilities since he’d been back. He knew Sam was right. And it wasn’t like he wouldn’t enjoy it. Hell, it would be like taking a vacation for the first time in his life.

“You sure you and Bobby can handle things while were away?”

“I’m sure. It’s not like we can’t call you if we need you.”

Dean surprised himself by reaching out and giving his brother a quick hug.

“What was that for?” Sam asked.

“No reason.”

He hoped Sam wouldn’t make him get all sappy.

He didn’t.


Castiel was sitting on the hood of the impala, his head bowed, eyes closed. He hadn’t spoken to his father in a long time. He took a deep breath, and began a silent plea.

Father. I don’t know if you’re there. I don’t know if you’ll even listen to a prayer from me. I don’t know if you were responsible for helping to free me. I’m so lost. I don’t know what I’m meant to do, who I’m meant to be. Please forgive me for my arrogance, my pride, for my mistakes. I know I can’t make it up to you…ever. But I need your forgiveness. Please give me a sign that you haven’t forsaken me. Please point me in the right direction.

A warm hand rested on his shoulder, Cas opened his eyes and found Dean sitting next to him. His eyes full of concern. “I wanted to ask you something, Cas.”

Cas nodded.

“How would you feel about going on a little adventure with me?”

Cas cocked his head. “Define adventure.”

Dean chuckled. “I was thinking a road trip. Just me and you, hitting the bars, going where the road takes us. Maybe we could, you know, talk some.”

Cas looked up at the sky and smiled. Thank you, father. “That could be interesting.” He replied.

“So that’s a yes.”

“That is a yes.”


The next day Dean was all packed. He had the trunk loaded with goodies, clothes, and the usual hunting gear. It was always better to be prepared than be caught with your pants down while a demon rips your face off.

Cas hadn’t packed anything of course. Being an angel had some perks. Although he knew there was still a good chance of Crowley or some pissed off angel coming to get revenge on Cas, but so far it had been quiet. Not to mention, Cas hadn’t gone anywhere near heaven since his soul extraction. He’d hardly even used his powers. Their all powerful angel had been walking or riding in cars lately.

No magical instant travel.

Dean had asked him if it was because his powers were on the fritz. Cas had calmly replied. “No. I’ve used enough power lately. I just want to…”

“Be human for awhile.” Dean had guessed.

He’d nodded and Dean had let it drop, so for all they knew, the other angels had no idea Cas wasn’t god like anymore. If they came for him, they’d deal with it then. Right now, Dean had other things on his mind.

“You ready?” He asked.

Cas gave him a soft smile. “Yes.”

He was smiling more. That was good.

They said their goodbyes, and then they both got into the impala.

Dean started the car and asked. “North, South, East, or West?”

Cas raised an eyebrow.

“Which way do you want to go?”

“Surprise me.”

“Works for me.” Dean grinned as he started forward.

Dean looked over at the seat that was no longer empty and his smile got wider.

“Promise me something, Cas.”


Dean never ceased to be amazed by the devotion Castiel showed him. He didn’t deserve it, but he was never going to take it for granted again.

“That you’re not going to disappear from that seat on this trip.”

Cas smiled. “I promise.”


“I have something to ask of you as well.”

“Shoot.” Dean reached for a bag of chips.

“Who is Darth Vader?”

Dean almost choked on the handful of potato chips he’d popped into his mouth.

“I know I said it once already, Cas, but damn, it’s good to have you back.”

The end...for now anyway.

Feedback/Comments are always loved, how else will I know if you liked this :)

fanfic, supernatural, dean/cas

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