Two New Ficlets: Star Wars and Stargate SG-1

Aug 17, 2008 13:07

My writing muse has exploded, so I thought I'd share these as well. First is another Anakin and Ahsoka fic. The next is a Daniel and Cameron fic. Both are missing scenes.

First the Star Wars fic:

Title: Stained
Author: Nicole
Spoilers: Star Wars the Clone Wars
Rating: PG
Characters: Anakin and Ahsoka
Genre: Friendship
Summary: Missing scene b/t the two during the film. A conversation I hope to see at some point, in some form about Anakin's past mistakes.
Disclaimer: I don't own star wars etc, just playing with them for a bit
Word Count:582

The desert burned, it choked, it starved, and worst of all it never gave back what it took. Anakin hated being here, he’d never wanted to return. This planet was full of pain, mistakes, and death. What he’d done here had been awful, his mother would have been ashamed had she survived.

Anakin felt a tentative hand on his arm. His Padawan was staring at him, her eyes laced with worry. Had she been speaking? “I’m sorry Ahsoka, I was lost in my thoughts.”

“Not the good kind I take it.” It wasn’t a question.

“I told you I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Yeah, but I think maybe you need to. I can feel your emotions Master.”

That stopped him in his tracks. He spun. She looked slightly nervous, but still she pressed on. “This place was never your home was it?”

He almost lost it right then. He almost yelled. He almost told her that is was none of her business. But he didn’t. If she was going to be his Padawan, she deserved to know what she was getting herself into. What a mess her Master really was, then he’d leave it up to her whether she stayed with him or not.

“No. This was never my home. I grew up a slave here. With my mother.”

He could feel her emotions as well. He felt her shock, but there was also curiosity there.

Anakin continued, afraid if he took a breath he might lose his nerve. “I was finally freed by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice at the time, Obi-Wan Kenobi. But my mother was left behind.”

Now he felt her sorrow.

“I came back for her years later, but I was too late. She’d been kidnapped. She died in my arms.” The words just seemed to flow out of him. It was like the wall he’d erected had been torn down, and now he couldn’t close it. “I gave into my anger, much like you did when you beheaded that droid, but in my case it was much worse. I killed living beings. No. I slaughtered them. ”

He expected to feel disgust from her, perhaps even hatred or fear. Instead, he felt a hand on his arm again, he turned to see Ahsoka peering up at him, her eyes very bright. “Thank you for sharing that with me. I will learn to control my anger better Master.”

They stared at each other a few long moments.

“Good, because killing in anger, it’s something that never leaves you. It’s like a stain on your tunic that won’t ever come off, only you can see it, but it’s a constant reminder of what you did. I don‘t want to see you end up stained.”

She nodded. He could feel their bond strengthening. Anakin had never thought she’d respect him, knowing what he‘d done. But he could see it and feel it. They really were a match. He had a feeling he might learn a few things from her as well. Maybe he already had. Anakin gave her a lop-sided grin. “Let’s get moving Snips, we’ve got a mission to complete.”

They started walking again.

“Oh, and Skyguy, I would never share what you told me with anyone.”

“I know that.” He realized the truth in his words as they came pouring out of him. He’d never have told her if on some level he hadn’t already known. This just might work out after all.

Now the Stargate Fic.

Title: Goodbyes Suck
Author: Nicole
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: For Continuum
Characters:Daniel and Cameron
Genre: can be considered friendship or preslash
Summary: Missing scene in the film. The two talk before being separated.
Disclaimer: I don't own Stargate etc, just playing with them for a bit
Word count: 564

“Jackson, you in here?”

Daniel looked up from his book at the sound of Cameron’s friendly voice. “Yep.”

“I’ve been looking for you, wanted to see if you wanted to grab lunch before, well you know.” He wore a smile, but his eyes were filled with a tired sadness.

“Before they ship us off to god knows where.” Daniel forced himself to smile as well.

“Well, yeah. Sam’s going to join us as well. She just had something to finish up. I think she’s making another appeal with the General.”

“Won’t do any good.” Daniel sighed.

“I know. If we were in his shoes we’d probably be saying the same bullshit.”


“Not that I like it.” Cam added.

“Nope.” Daniel replied.

Cam sauntered over and sat down in a chair near Daniel’s wheelchair. “I just hate this.”

Daniel smirked. “Which part? The being ignored, the being stranded in an alternate time line, or the being forced to relocate apart from the only people who we know.”

Cam chuckled despite himself. “Pretty much all of it. But, I have to admit, not being able to see or talk to either of you again really blows.”

Daniel nodded. These people were his family. They were all he had. And now he was losing them. Just like he’d lost his parents. “I have to agree.”

Mitchell placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. “We’ll see each other again sunshine.”

Daniel tried to be annoyed at the pet name Cameron had given him, but he just couldn’t. “I hope you’re right. I really do.”

“Me too.” His friend breathed. “Look, I know men don’t do hallmark moments, but I’ve got to say this. It’s been a pleasure knowing you. I’ve learned a lot. I’ve laughed a lot. And I consider you to be a good friend Jackson. One of my best. Leaving you in the arctic was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. I’m glad it was only a leg you lost, if it had gone any other way, well let’s just say I wouldn’t be doing so well right now.”

Daniel swallowed. He had never been good at things like this, but he had gotten better. And somewhere along the line this man had become a very close friend. Maybe not quite as close as he and Jack had become, but they were getting there. “I’m going to miss you too, Cam.” He kept his voice much steadier than he felt. This was real. This was goodbye. He hated goodbyes. They really sucked.

“Damn, I hate goodbyes.” Mitchell echoed his thoughts.

Daniel managed a laugh. “Me too. I seem to have had way to many of them in my life.”

“Let’s make a deal then. This isn’t goodbye.” Cam held out his hand.

Daniel took it and squeezed. “Deal.”

He wasn’t sure who made the first move, but the handshake turned into a hug. And not a very manly one. They held each other for a several long moments, neither saying anything.. Cam slowly, almost reluctantly pulled away.

“Looks like we had that hallmark moment after all huh Jackson?” He grinned.

“I won’t tell if you won’t.”

“Let’s go get that lunch.” Cam smiled and stood.

“You know I could really go for a steak at the moment,” Daniel wheeled himself toward the door.

“Jackson, you’re a man after my heart.”

Feel free to friend this journal for the insanity

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daniel/cam, stargate sg-1, daniel jackson, cameron mitchell, star wars, ahsoka, fanfiction, anakin

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