Fic: Supernatural: Jedi!Verse: Dean/Castiel: [R] - Welcome To The New Age (2/10)

Aug 01, 2013 11:43

Title: Welcome To the New Age (2/10)
Author: nicole9514
Rating: R
Genre: AU, Fusion w/Star Wars, slash, action, romance
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: language
Spoilers: None
A/N: This fic takes place in my Jedi!verse series of fics. The title for this arc in the Verse was taken from the song "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons.
Summary: In which they talk to Master Ellen Harvelle.
Word Count: 1,146

New to the series; here's a Link to the Masterpost

“Look who finally decided to crawl out from the rock they’ve been hiding under,” Ellen’s tone was annoyed, relieved, and hurt all at once.

Dean swallowed; guilt picking away at his insides.

He didn’t admit to himself that he hadn’t just stayed away for her safety. That damn vision of Cas’s was a like a ghost following him wherever he went. And seeing her again, even on a holo-imager made it that much worse.

Made it more real.

It was a reminder of how much it would hurt if he lost her.

Cas touched his wrist, and squeezed once. Dean inhaled, and pushed it all down. His emotions would not control him.

“You know me, Master,” Dean felt his lips form a smile as Master Harvelle glared at him. “I’d lose my head if it wasn’t attached.”

Ellen sat up straighter. “Don’t test me boy, not right now.”

Dean’s smile vanished, and he did his best to look respectful, but he was just so damn glad to see her alive, and feisty as ever. “No ma’am. Wouldn’t dream of it.”

She glared at him again, then her anger seemed to wash away, and she sighed. “Are you both alright?”

“A few more scars, but we’re good.”

Cas stepped forward. “What about you?”

She rubbed at her neck. “Other than worrying about you two idiots, I‘m fine.”

Cas bowed his head, he was so much better at the respect thing.

“We are sorry, but our silence was meant to protect you,” Cas said softly.

“Yeah. I get that. Doesn’t mean I’m not still mad,” her features softened, “but I get that.”

They had told her they’d keep in touch with her - Dean had known he’d broken that promise. But in his heart he knew it had been the right call. They hadn’t had, anything concrete for her, they still didn’t, but they couldn’t keep hoping to stumble across that irrefutable proof. It was a pipe dream, and they were running out of time. He trusted Cas’s instincts, shit was going down, and soon.

“Is Anna safe?”

Cas smiled. “Yes. Very. She’s been…invaluable.” Cas said, his words full of pride, and affection.

Ellen finally smiled. “Good. I’m glad she found you. I was terrified she was out there alone somewhere.”

Dean hadn’t even thought about that, they should have at least let her know that much. Hell, Cas had asked her to look after Anna.

‘I’m so sorry Ellen,” Cas said.

“Yeah,” Dean added. “I guess we have been kind of dicks.”

Ellen laughed.

It was good to hear that sound again.

“You still have a way with words I see,” her eyes were proud, and motherly, and Dean really wished she were here right now. Safe, with him, with Cas. With his family.

Where she belonged, instead of in the lion’s den.

“I wish you were here, Master,” the words slipped from his mouth, and he found he didn’t regret them.

Her eyes widened, and her expression filled with love. “So do I. It’s not the same here without you.”

Dean swallowed. “Thanks,” he managed.

Someone cleared their throat.

Ellen’s eyes shot to Bobby, who had arrived. He wiped imaginary dust from his shirt, and met her eyes.

“Well, well. Bobby Singer. It’s been too long.” Her eyes were warm, her tone playful, and there was a trace of longing.

“That it has.”

She leaned forward. “These boys giving you any trouble?”

He smiled, and there was something in his eyes Dean had never seen before.

They had definitely been more than friends.

“Nothing I can’t handle.” His eyes softened, and stayed locked with hers.

“Oh, I’m certain of that. You always did have a knack for dealing with difficult circumstances.”

Dean knew eye sex when he saw it, and holy sith-spit, these two had it going on in spades.

He exchanged a glance with Cas, who was keeping his face impressively blank. Dean was jealous - he could not pull that off. Right now he was pretty sure he was doing a good impression of a kid who’d just walked in on his parents getting it on.

Dean cleared his throat, and Ellen blinked, and found her tunic fascinating. Bobby grunted, and crossed his arms over his chest.

“You two need a minute?” Dean teased.

Ellen glared again, and Dean held up his hand in silent defeat.

“That’s what I thought.” She smiled again, and winked at Bobby, who grinned like an idiot.

Dean rolled his eyes.

“I take it this wasn’t a social call,” Ellen said, her tone all business.

Dean nodded. “You could say that.”

“Lay it on me.”

And he did.


It had taken them awhile to catch her up, and by the time Dean was done talking he felt drained. He hadn’t really realized how much had happened in the past few months until now.

He’d left out Sam being his brother, he wanted to tell her, but not like this. That he wanted to do in person. He’d also left out Cas’s vision of her death - that really wasn’t something anyone should be told. Telling her could cause it to occur - then again so could not telling her. Damn, he hated this shit. That was why visions were so dangerous. You never knew how to handle them.

Ellen looked afraid and determined all at once. “Force,” she whispered after he fell silent. “You two have…’her voice trailed off, and she took a deep breath. “They never should have let you two leave. The order lost two of its best. What you two have done, what all of you have done.” She swallowed. “I’m so proud of both of you, and Anna. The Council were fools.”

Dean felt himself standing taller. “Thank you, Master.”

She shook her head. “No, thank you.”

“You’ll talk to the council.,” Dean hedged.

“Of course I will. I’ll beat some sense into them if I have to.” She rubbed at her chin. “I do want to get more support before I barrel in there.”

She hadn’t even seen the proof yet, only heard his story. She believed him, no questions asked.

It was a relief.

“How so?” Cas asked, his curiosity and gratitude seeping into his words.

“We could meet at a neutral location. You bring this Meg, and all the images you took. I’ll bring Master Rufus and Master Mills. They’ll listen. If we can convince them, they can help us convince the rest.”

Cas nodded, and Dean knew he’d wanted to meet with her privately already. Her bringing trusted members of the council as well who would be willing to listen, was icing on the cake.

“Thank you, Master.” Dean could hear and feel Cas’s relief.

They were finally getting somewhere.

“We’ll get this son-of-a-hutt boys.”

Dean grinned. “Yes, ma’am.”

It was about time.

Part 3

Feel free to friend this journal for the insanity :)

Comments are always loved if you enjoyed, it's nice to hear about it.

genre: fusion, fic: supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: jedi!verse, tags: genre: crossover, tags: fic, genre: slash

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