Fic: Supernatural: Jedi!Verse: Dean/Castiel: A Very Merry Jedi Christmas

Dec 21, 2012 14:01

A/N: This fic takes place after Separatist Movement Parts 1 and 2, but before And He Haunts My Dreams. I wanted to write a holiday fic for you guys, and this is what happened :)

Title: A Very Merry Jedi Christmas
Author: nicole9514
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU, Fusion w/Star Wars, slash, action, romance
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: This takes place in the verse after the fic "Separatist Movement", but before "And He Haunts My Dreams."
Spoilers: None
A/N: This fic takes place in my recently created Jedi!verse series of fics - where both Dean and Castiel are Jedi - with a forbidden attraction to each other.
Summary: Dean has a gift for Cas.
Word Count: 1,925

New to the series; here's a Link to the Masterpost

Jedi Master Castiel wasn’t one to complain about the missions he was given. He’d spent many nights on what most would consider ‘inhospitable’ planets. He’d always been able to tolerate it with minimal discomfort.

Until today.

Until he’d arrived on Hoth.

He and Dean had been sent to this frozen, nightmare of a planet at the request of the Council. They’d received the order the morning they’d been scheduled to return to Coruscant from Bespin. They hadn’t even made it home from one mission before being assigned another.

This assignment had fallen through; a contact they were to meet regarding a possible weapons sale that could endanger the Republic had never shown. He was three days over due, and the Council had requested they give him another day.

Cas was cold in places he didn’t know existed.

He and Dean were waiting at the designated rendezvous point - outdoors.

The man was apparently very paranoid and had refused to meet them anywhere near civilization. They were holed up in a cave to shield them from the artic winds, and huddled around a fire they’d crafted.

Cas was not in a good mood; his meditation could only do so much, and he hated being cold.

Heat he could tolerate, he’d been exposed to it throughout his life - but the cold was an entirely different matter.

His lips were cracked, his nose red, and frozen, his joints ached, and most of all he loathed the ice and snow.

This weather was not for him.

Dean was taking this all much better than him, and all day he’d been sneaking glances at him, a glint in his eyes that Cas couldn’t figure out.

He had no idea what could have Dean smiling - nothing had gone as planned, and Cas just wanted off this world.

Dean tossed some more kindle into the fire, and bumped Cas’s shoulder with his, his expression affectionate.

“You look like a hutt spit in your dinner,” Dean teased, pulling his blanket tighter around his shoulders.

Cas sighed, but felt his lips twitch.

At least if he had to be miserable, he had good company.

“I admit, I’m not fond of this planet.”

Dean chuckled. “I noticed.”

The fire danced off of Dean’s skin, making his red cheeks, and smattering of freckles stand out.

He looked beautiful.

Cas felt his cheeks heat up, and realized for once he was glad for the cold. It helped to hide the fact that he had the tendency to blush.

“I just dislike being cold all the time.” He felt like a youngling, and regretted his complaint immediately.

“It’s nice to know your patience does have some limits.” Dean grinned.

“I’m no saint, Dean.” Cas stared into the fire tying not to think of what they were going to say to the Chancellor when they finally made it back to Coruscant. After what Sam had told them - he suppressed a shudder that had nothing to do with the cold.

“You’re close enough.”

Cas turned his head, tilting it towards the other man, and was surprised to see a level of tenderness in Dean’s face, that had his heart quivering.

Dean’s hand snaked under Cas’s thermal blanket, and found his hand, squeezing. “Come here,” Dean pulled on his arm.

Cas scooted closer, and Dean shared his own blanket, his arm’s enveloping Cas.

Dean’s body heat was a welcome relief, Cas sighed, and soaked in the warmth.

“Better,” Dean’s breath tickled his hair.


Cas loved to be held; he hadn’t had much experience with it in his life. He’d never been touched much, not in any way that was pleasant like this. Dean surprised him with how often he expressed his affection through touch.

He seemed to prefer it to verbal communication at times. Cas didn’t mind, in some ways this way of talking was easier to understand.

Cas laced their gloved fingers together, and melted into Dean.

He knew if their contact walked in now, this would be a compromising position to be found in - but Cas couldn’t make himself care at the moment.

They always had to be careful when they were at the temple - it got to be exhausting.

Here, with the flames dancing, and the wind howling, it was hard to worry.


They stayed cuddled together for awhile, Cas wasn’t sure how much time passed, his mind wandered, but he knew it was more than an hour.

Dean shifted behind him, and Cas felt one of his arms move, then there was a rustling.

“So,” Dean cleared his throat, “I ummm,” he cleared his throat again. “I wanted to give you something.”

Cas angled his head, so he could meet Dean’s anxious expression. “Give me something?” Cas repeated, confusion coloring his words.

Dean shrugged. “Yeah, on a mission I did a few years back I heard about this tradition - an ancient custom that some cultures observe on this date.”

Cas sat up; his curiosity peaked.

Dean’s cheeks were flushed, and he was concealing something behind his back.

“I’m not usually into this kind of thing, but I saw something when we were on Bespin, and thought of you.” His words were coming out fast; Cas had to focus to catch them all.

Cas felt his heart doing funny things in his chest. “You…you bought me a gift?”

Dean glanced down, shrugged again,. “It’s no big deal, but yeah. I got ya this.”

Dean shoved a box at him. It was wrapped messily in brown paper, and it was so Dean, he had to smile.

He took it gingerly, cradling the item as if it were an ancient treasure.

To him, it was, no one had ever bought him anything before.

Dean rolled his eyes. “Damn, Cas - it’s not a force relic for sith’s sake. Just open it.”

Cas sighed, but unwrapped the box, and found an unexpected, but amazing item inside.

He pulled it out, and marveled at the craftsmanship.

It was an honest to force paper bound leather journal.

He hadn’t even been aware they made them anymore. Most everything was done electronically.

It was a rich brown, and had beautiful symbols carved into the soft leather. He ran his fingers over it softly, and inhaled, loving the smell of paper and leather mingling.

He felt his eyes burn as he noticed the ‘for Castiel’ on the bottom right hand corner of the cover.

His heart had swelled so much he felt as if it might burst from his chest; Dean had no idea how loved and special he made him feel.

Several pens were also in the box- his fingers itched to try them.

Dean was watching him; Cas was pretty sure he wasn’t breathing.

He didn’t know how Dean had known he would love this, but it was perfect.

“Dean,” he breathed, “this is amazing. Thank you.”

Dean exhaled. “You like it then.”

Cas clutched it to his chest. “I love it.”

Dean’s face relaxed, as did his posture. “It just seemed like it would fit you - I thought you might enjoy writing stuff down.” Dean was rubbing at the back of neck; a nervous gesture.

“You were correct - I just,” he laid it lovingly back into the box, to keep it safe. “I wish I had known of this custom, I have nothing for you.”

Dean shook his head, and waved it off as if he just hadn’t done something incredible.

Cas put the box into his pack, then cuddled up to Dean again, his hand cupping Dean’s cheek, and stroking it with his gloved thumb, wishing they weren’t separated by three layers of clothes.

“Thank you,” he said again, then leaned in, and kissed Dean, their chapped, cold lips colliding. Dean moaned and licked into his mouth. The cold faded into the back ground as they touched, flooding him with a heat that trickled through his veins.

They kissed for awhile, lazily, both moaning happily into each other’s mouths.

Cas wasn’t feeling so cold anymore, but he still resented it.

Disrobing wasn’t an option, so kissing was probably about all they could do.

Dean’s eyes were warm as blue locked with green when they broke apart, their lips still close.

“Tell me more about this custom,” Cas breathed, his eyes tracing the patterns on the skin of Dean’s swollen lips.

Dean swallowed, his tone distracted, his own eyes wandering. “I think it was called Christmas.”

Cas rubbed his nose against Dean’s adam’s apple. “Where does it originate from?”

Dean groaned. “No one knows. Lost to history - probably a galaxy far, far away. You know how it is.”

Cas nodded, then stopped trying to distract himself, it wasn’t like it was working anyway. He devoured Dean’s mouth, and surprised himself by practically climbing onto his lap, his legs straddling either side of his lover.

Dean made a sound that had Cas already halfway hard, it was so full of need, and want.

Cas was still surprised he had this effect on the other man.

He’d never seen himself as particularly desirable.

Dean’s eyes were dark as he gripped Cas’s hips shifting him on his lap, Cas could feel his cock digging against his ass even through the layers of clothing.

It sent a surge of desire coursing through his blood, filling his sex.

Their kisses became frantic, the wind outside vanished, all he could hear was Dean’s breathing, and for the first time in days, Cas was burning up.

His dick was throbbing.

Dean moaned, his hands gripping Cas’s thighs and lifting.

Cas found himself on his back, Dean on top of him. He didn’t even care about all the ice and snow beneath his back, as Dean climbed onto of him, a desperation in his movements

He felt Dean’s hard cock press into his through the fabric that separated them.

He whimpered, and bucked his hips upward. Dean met him head on, thrusting into him.

He might have preferred flesh to flesh, but it didn’t stop the fire from building in his sex as friction did its job.

They kissed while they thrust into each other, Dean’s tongue lapped into his mouth, drinking down every sound he made.

Cas felt the heat begin to build to an explosion as he panted, his hands searching for anything, clutching to Dean’s jacket, as he practically screamed into the other man’s mouth.

Dean was shaking, the stubble on his chin scratched at Cas’s cheeks, and throat adding to the sensations flooding his body, and making him whimper.

Dean groaned, he seemed to love when he made that noise.

Cas made it again, testing his theory.

Dean shuddered, and sucked on bottom lip, his fingers digging into Cas’s hips.

Cas smiled into the other man’s mouth, losing himself in Dean’s touches.

He came first, his cum heating up his pants, and he was so content he didn’t care about the sticky mess he’d just made of his clothing. He had a spare pair in his pack anyway.

Dean shook, and he made a sound of pleasure that had Cas shuddering again.

They laid there, foreheads touching, breathing deeply.

“And you said you didn’t get me anything,” Dean whispered against his ear.

Cas smiled, any remaining hatred he may have had for this mission or planet had left him, all he felt was bliss.

“Merry Christmas, Dean,” he felt the words slip from his mouth as he nuzzled into Dean.

Dean chuckled. “Merry Christmas, Cas.”

A/N: Sorry for any errors in this one, i wrote it quickly (like an hour ago), so it didn't go through as much editing as normal. Hope you enjoyed it anyway, I wanted to write something fluffy for this verse for Christmas. As there is no Christmas in Star Wars, it was a bit tricky lol. I hope it came off okay.

Feel free to friend this journal for the insanity :)

Comments are always loved; how else will I know if anyone is actually still reading this series.

fic, genre: fusion, fic: supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: jedi!verse, genre: crossover, genre: slash

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