Fic-Crossover-Supernatural:Aliens-Dean,Cas,Sam - (12/12) COMPLETE

Jun 19, 2012 16:23

Title: Supernatural: Aliens
Author: nicole9514
Chapter: 12/12
Rating: R
Genre: AU/horror/action/crossover - Dean/Castiel pre-slash or strong friendship depending on your preference
Characters: Dean Winchester,Castiel, Sam Winchester, and OC's
Warnings: Violence,language, gore, scary imagery, blood, death
Disclaimer: Only written for fun. I own nothing but the errors and OC's.
A/N: Goes AU after episode 5 X 18 - Team free will fic, but with a heavy focus on Dean/Cas friendship/strong bond, so if you don't like their dynamic you probably won't enjoy this fic.
Special Thanks: To my beta skylar_matthews. To jedakin for reading this fic and encouraging/motivating me to keep writing it.
Summary:Takes place after the events of Season five's Point of No return - Dean, Cas, and Sam investigate a case different than anything they've ever seen before in Gunnison, Colorado.
Wordcount: 5,532 (total 52,642)

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11

Dean swallowed hard, his throat burning and dry all at once. He could feel Sam and Cas watching him, waiting for the latest shoe to drop.

He kept his voice steady, his face neutral - on the inside he was screaming. “How long?”

“Any minute,” Robin sounded as if she were moving. “Take your family and go. Get as far away as you can.”

“Like hell.” He was already on his feet, his eyes searching, focusing on Robin’s police car that was still parked near the library across from them. “We’re coming to get you.”

Cas and Sam were standing, following him as he sprinted towards the car. Their expressions confused and anxious.

“Don’t fight me on this.” He pulled open the car door. “You’ll just get us all killed. I’ll be there in a few.” He hung up.

Dean yanked the wiring out, and hotwired his second car for the day.

Cas and Sam had gotten in after unhooking the flame throwers; Sam was next to him in the passenger seat. “Dean?”

“Those company fucks are going to blow the whole town, wipe out all evidence of this little joy ride.”

The car started.


“I don’t know. There wasn’t time for a play - by - play Sam,” Dean spat.

“They can’t do that.” Sam sounded as if he were trying to convince himself.

Dean floored it.

“Robin overhead them on her radio.”

Sam appeared stricken; Dean could hear Cas breathing in the backseat, but so far he’d said nothing.

“We have to warn everyone.”

“Sam,” Dean snapped, hating himself, and this situation, but there was no way they could save this town. They’d lost - now they had to try and make it out alive. “There is NO time. It’s happening now.”

Sam paled. Cas still said nothing.

“Jesus,” his brother whispered. “They can’t really get away with this - it’s mass murder.”

Dean just focused on driving - he would get Robin out - then they’d put as much distance as possible between them and Gunnison, Colorado. He could only pray it would be enough.


Cas felt as if he might vomit again; he couldn’t comprehend what was happening. Human’s obliterating an entire town to protect themselves - it was disgusting. With vampires, demons, and other monsters it made sense. It was what they did, in their nature, and they were usually driven by a primal need. This Weyland Corporation had done all of this for what? Fun, a test - at least the serpents had an excuse for killing, they were following their instinct. These people were so much worse, they were the real monsters, and he hoped one day he would get the chance to personally tell them that.

All the people he had seen: his nurse, the doctors, the annoying hardware store employee, and each person he’d passed on the street.

They were all going to die - and he was powerless to stop it.

Even if he were still an angel he could not have evacuated everyone in time.

The sun had risen and he could see trees whipping by, houses - everyone was indoors obeying police instruction. It wouldn’t do them any good. He knew they could do nothing, they’d be lucky if they survived, it didn’t make this any easier.

He saw the Impala, the hood burned, the alien’s body lying dead on the ground. Robin was moving towards them as Dean slammed on the breaks. She was carrying the injured deputy over her shoulders.

Sam jumped out and helped her get in, he could feel Dean’s grief as his eyes caressed the Impala, another victim it seemed. He knew how much Dean valued the vehicle.

They sat the young man in the backseat, Cas helped position him in the center. He slid against Cas, his head lolling to the side. Robin got in - Sam darted back to the front.

Dean hit the gas pedal and they were moving forward.

No one spoke.

Cas’s eyes were burning, his chest heavy with grief, his hand bunched into fists.

Dean cursed; Cas shot forward in his seat and peered through the grating.

One of the creatures was running towards them. Robin rolled her window down. Cas was confused momentarily, as she leaned out of it and aimed her gun.

She fired.

The thing stumbled and Dean swerved around it. “Nice,” the hunter hooted.

Robin got back inside.

“That was most impressive,” Cas said, filing that move in his memory - it might prove useful one day should he get chance to use it.

Over the sound of the engine Cas heard something else. Air rushing, a plane of some kind.

Dean snarled as they hit the highway - a sign announced they were now leaving Gunnison.

He turned his head, Robin’s eyes met his, her pale skin dirty and ashen as they both turned to watch the town vanish behind them.

Cas shifted his gaze ahead, and found Dean’s eyes locking onto his in the rear view mirror.

There was a loud, impact noise, a flash of light. Dean’s eyes widened.

“Get Down!” He screamed.

The car jostled and swerved, Cas knew nothing but blackness.


Dean flung his door open, Sam did the same.

He ignored the burning mess behind them that had once been a living, breathing, thriving town and yanked Cas’s door open. He focused only on his friend - Cas’s head was bleeding, a small gash on his forehead. He’d hit the grating when the shockwave had reached the car, or at least that’s what Sam had called it.

Besides the explosives in the sewer, he didn’t know what they’d used to blow up the town, but it had packed quite a punch.

Dean tore off a piece of his shirt and pressed it to the former angel’s forehead, as his fingers touched Cas’s too warm skin he felt their connection flare up. The damn thing had a mind of it’s own, and for just a moment he could feel Cas’s pain - both physical and mental.

His eyes burned and he was so overwhelmed by his friends grief it almost crippled him, but then Cas’s eyes flew open and he felt grounded again.

Blue met green and Cas blinked blearily at him, a tear made its way down the former angel’s cheek.

Dean smiled, it was hard, but he did it. “Rise and shine sleeping beauty,” he forced his tone to be teasing. He wanted to distract Cas, not make things worse for him.

“Dean,” his voice was gravely. “Are you okay?”

Dean swallowed, damn angel never thinks of himself, always putting me-others first. “I‘m good.” He rapped himself lightly on his temple. “I’ve got a hard head. What about you?”

“I’ll be fine.” Cas turned his head slowly and watched as Sam checked Robin over. “Are you both alright?”

Sam smiled weakly, it didn’t reach his eyes, while Robin gave him a thumbs up.

“How about him?” Dean gestured towards the injured deputy.

“Eric,” Robin replied turning her attention to him. “He’s still with us.”

“Good,” Dean mumbled. The last thing they needed was another fucking dead body.

“The town.” Robin touched a nasty looking bruise on her cheek and winced.

Dean didn’t want to think about that - ever.

Cas was looking up at him from his seat, waiting, his green orbs full of dread.

“From what I can see, blown to hell,” he answered, not wanting to lie. Knowing in this case it would do no good.

Cas closed his eyes, taking deep, unsteady breaths.

Robin pushed her way out of the car, and stood. Tears traveled down her cheeks as she watched the town burn in the distance.

Sam put a hand on her shoulder, he said something too low for Dean to hear. He was too focused on keeping his shit together, being strong for everyone here. He dug deep into his reserves, and kept his ‘I can handle anything’ facade going.

“We need to get out of here. If they find we’re alive they’ll probably try and wipe us out as well.”

“No,” Cas said, his voice steady, strong, certain. “We need to make sure.”

Cas rose, stepping out of the car.

Dean knew exactly what he meant. He wanted to go back, make sure there was no possibility of survivors. From what Dean had been able to see of the explosions, there was no way in hell, but he knew deep down if they didn’t at least take a closer look it would be one more thing to haunt him.

Sam was nodding his agreement, and Robin echoed Cas’s words.

The car was still running, they got back in, Dean did a U-turn, knowing they were taking a risk, and drove the mile back down the road towards what was left of Gunnison.

He stopped a safe distance from the flames and smoke.

Cas got out first; Dean followed close behind.

He watched as Cas’s eyes followed the ruined sign. Cas took a few more steps, his movements jerky. His shoulders shook as he coughed. They couldn’t get any closer the air was too thick with smoke.

Sam and Robin came up behind them. “My God,” Robin breathed, then started hacking. “How could they do this?”

What you could see through the debris, fires, and smoke was as close to hell as a living human would ever see. Underneath the fumes he could smell traces of burned flesh, a few bodies lay strewn across the blackened road. Homes were rubble, cars were melted into the concrete.

The road was cracked and warped. Chunks standing up in some parts, and sunken in others.

The sense of death floated all around them, permeating the air.

Hell on earth.

Cas doubled over, retching.

Dean’s feet moved him towards the former angel. They seemed to have developed a mind of their own.

He placed a hand on his friends back; Cas flinched. “It’s okay,” he managed, focusing on Cas, not the bodies and destruction in front of them.

Cas relaxed slightly into his touch.

“Let’s get out of here,” Dean whispered, coughing a bit.

Cas wiped his mouth, then turned towards Dean. Hate, fear, disgust, shame, all over his face. Dean didn’t think, he reacted - enveloping Cas’s trembling body with his arms, pulling him close. It was something he should have done a long time ago, but had always held back. His own pride, insecurities, and manly tough guy image always getting in the way. But today, for a few moments surrounded by the fallout of true evil he allowed himself to let his walls down.

Cas was worth it.

He could feel Cas tense up at first with surprise and confusion, before he melted against Dean. His fingers clung to Dean‘s shirt, his breath rapid, then deep as he fought for control over his emotions.

He tried to communicate how sorry he was for being an ass earlier, for snapping at him for just being close, and for what had happened here today. He was better at communicating this way - quietly.

“Thank you,” Cas whispered into his shirt letting him know his message had been received.

“You ready to go,” he whispered as he pulled back, but didn’t step away.

Cas’s eyes were dry, but patches of red marred his complexion. He nodded. “Yes.”

Dean noticed Sam was holding Robin, it seemed touchy feely shit was contagious. He allowed himself a small smile at the thought.

The four of them stayed close as they walked back towards the car.

“I have to get my sister,” Robin said, her tone firm.

Dean wasn’t going to argue .

“How far?”

“About a thirty minute drive.”

Dean nodded and hit the gas, taking them away from this horror.


Sam had gotten into the backseat this time. He wanted to talk to Robin about a few things and check up on Eric, one of only two surviving residents of Gunnison, Colorado. He couldn’t dwell on it , or it would overwhelm him - he’d never witnessed such a massive, pointless loss of life.

He instead thought of his normally testosterone fueled brother holding a former angel of the lord. Offering comfort, letting his guard down enough to reach out. That was a much better image to hold onto than that town burning.

Sam wasn’t sure what to make of Dean and Cas’s ever evolving relationship- it was complicated on so many levels. He glanced at them sitting up front. Dean gave Cas a small smile, and began to show him how to tune the radio.

Whatever may happen in the future it was clear they needed each other, at least they both seemed to be more aware of that now, especially Dean.

Sam turned his attention back to Robin, whom he admired greatly. They wouldn’t have made it through this without her help. Cas would have died, and so would he. If his life weren’t spent on the road moving constantly Sam would have liked the chance to get to know Robin Blalock better.

But that wasn’t in the cards.

She smiled at him.

He smiled back before his face became serious. “We need to get you and your sister a new identity.”

She didn’t even bat an eye. “I was thinking the same thing. They’ll come after us, especially me. I know too much.”

Dean chimed in, “We’ll get you both new identities. We know a guy.”

She chuckled. “I’m sure you do.” Her face grew solemn, and she brushed her bangs from her eyes.

“It’ll be okay,” Sam reassured her. “You can start a new life, and you and your sister will be safe.”

As long as the company hadn’t gotten to her already. Sam was just hoping they wouldn’t have been concerned with a stroke victim at the moment - they would probably be too preoccupied with making sure they’d obliterated all traces of their freak show in that town first.

They wouldn’t have expected anyone to have made it out alive. Hopefully by the time they realized Robin’s sister was gone they’d be off the radar.

“I just can’t stop thinking about all those people,” she breathed. “If I hadn’t made that de-”

“No,” Sam snapped. “Don’t do that to yourself. This was not your fault.”

“He’s right,” Dean and Cas both said in unison.

Sam almost smiled.

“These assholes would have done this even if you hadn’t pushed some paperwork off to the side. They just would have found another way - maybe something even worse,” Dean hissed.

She made a skeptical noise in her throat. “I hope one day I can believe that.”

“Believe this,” Dean said, his tone somber, his hand gesturing emphatically. “You have a sister that needs you. Your job is to take care of her, you can’t do that wallowing in self pity.”

Robin narrowed her eyes, and her jaw twitched.

“Which means you need to put this behind you and do your job.” Dean’s words were harsh, but his tone was softer that usual.

Robin licked her lips, then sat up straighter. “You’re right.”

Dean nodded; Sam saw an understanding passing between them.

Cas’s shoulders that had been tensing, relaxed, and his head rested back on the seat.

The more Sam thought about it, the more it made sense to him that Dean and Robin hadn’t hit it off at first - they were too much alike.

That and a million other reasons - a few he’d explained to Cas, but not all. One of them perhaps being a tiny, subconscious bit of jealousy on his brothers part over Cas‘s friendship with Robin. Sam almost chuckled at the thought. Dean would murder him if he ever said that out loud, but he couldn’t stop him from thinking it, and what Dean didn’t know, didn’t have to piss him off.


Cas helped Robin pack her sister’s wheelchair into their new car. Dean had ditched the police cruiser, hiding it in the woods on the way here. He’d explained it would make it harder for anyone to track them.

Robin’s sister Amanda had the same dark hair and pale complexion, but she was thinner, her bone structure making her appear so frail Cas was afraid he’d break her. Her face drooped on one side, and she hadn’t spoken. But she had smiled when Robin had entered the room, and her eyes had lit up.

Cas could only imagine what it must be like to be trapped in your own body. His own situation didn’t seem nearly as unmanageable as he’d originally thought. He might have lost his grace, but he was still mobile and self sufficient. He would never complain about his loss of flight again.

Robin kissed her sister’s forehead, and buckled her inside.

Cas glanced back at their still unconscious passenger, Eric. His wounds weren’t severe, he‘d woken up briefly, his memory foggy at best. They couldn’t risk checking him into a hospital. Dean said they’d figure it out once they reached Bobby’s contact who would provide Robin and Amanda with new identities.


2 days later

Mark MacAulay the forger, handed Robin her new life - Cas felt a tiny smidge lighter. At least a few things were working out.

Over the past few days Eric had been recovering at a local hospital under a false name; he was going to be fine. He didn’t remember the creatures, his last memory was showing up to work that morning. He had no memories of the woods or what had occurred in them. Head injuries were funny things; he was better off without them anyway. Cas suspected the young man had no desire to remember, Sam had spoken to him about occasions when the mind protected people from things they couldn’t or didn’t want to face.

Castiel wished he could forget much of what happened.

Robin thanked him, and began rifling through the folder.

Dean, Cas, Sam, and Robin all sat around Mark’s sofa. He was a heavy set man in his fifties, with reddish brown hair, and a thick beard. He lived in a small, ranch style house on a farm a few miles away from the road. It was the perfect place to hide-out and recover. Mark left the room, allowing them to inspect his work.

“What about you guys?” Robin asked.

Dean shrugged. “Me and Sam have plenty of identities,” he grinned, “We’re good.” Dean reached out, squeezing Cas’s shoulder. “Him no the other hand, he’s a fake ID virgin.”

Robin laughed, Sam rolled his eyes, and Cas gave a soft smile.

“So Cas, how do like your new identity?” Dean asked, sipping from his coke. “

Cas ran his hand over the ID he’d been given that read Castiel Dixon. It came with a birth certificate, and many other items he didn’t understand yet. They had all joked about making him a Winchester, but sadly considering they both had been wanted for various crimes, they thought staying away from that last name was a good idea.

It had still been nice that they had mentioned it.

“It’s quite acceptable,” he replied, coaxing a quick grin from Dean.

“What’s your game plan?” Sam asked Robin.

“Settle down somewhere quiet with Amanda. Get a mundane job, and help her recover the best I can.”

“Sounds good,” Dean said.

“It’ll be rough, but it‘ll be worth it,” she said; Cas could tell she meant it.


Sam sat transfixed in front of the TV screen at Mark’s home the morning before they planned to leave and head back to Bobby’s for a little recuperation.

A reporter stood in front of the disaster, views from all angles were being displayed - today they were announcing the cause of this ‘horrible tragedy.’

It was being deemed an accident.

A picture of the Gunnison Power Plant prior to the incident flashed on the monitor.

Scientists, investigators, and Federal agents took their turns explaining how the power plant had been sabotaged by an unknown party, possibly terrorists. It had exploded taking the town and all life in it along with it.

Proof, diagrams, and evidence of the explosives that had been planted were shown in pictures that were shown during the newscast. Of course many of these ‘scientists’ were employed by Weyland Corporation whom had so generously offered their assistance and were taking it upon themselves to take care of the clean -up. Sam would have bet his life they’d paid off, or threatened anyone who wasn’t on the payroll into supporting this work of fiction they’d crafted.

Sam would have laughed at that if he were capable of breathing at the moment.

He watched as the spokesperson for the company, a Peter Weyland, the son of Charles Bishop Weyland who had recently passed away, appeared in front of the camera. He was slender, with an air of regality to his posture, his face was all angles, and his dark hair was slicked back. Sam felt his skin crawl each time the man spoke, his voice was deep and accented, and very sure of itself. He was charming, and reporter ate it up, speaking of how a few months ago he’d taken over running the corporation from his father and smiled warmly in Mr. Weyland’s direction while she explained what a good job of making a name for himself and his father’s legacy he was doing.

Peter Weyland launched into a spiel that would put most Presidential speeches to shame, with each word Sam’s guts churned more, and his lungs felt tighter.

Weyland Corporation was going to rebuild the town, using their own funds. They were being celebrated as heroes, saviors. Sam wanted to vomit.

They were actually going to get away with this - a part of him had refused to believe it was possible.

It seemed he’d been wrong.

All it took was money, power, and charm which this Peter Weyland was oozing from his pores.

It looked like that was all it took get away with mass murder.

“Together we can change the world,” he wrapped up his speech, tears shimmering in his arrogant eyes. Peter Weyland’s dark eyes stared into the camera - Sam memorized the man’s face. One day he would find a way to expose him, to stop him from playing God with people’s lives.

Dean, Cas, and Robin were also watching the screen, their bodies screaming tension.

Sam turned it off; he couldn’t listen to this anymore.

“One day he will pay,” Robin said, her voice quiet but deadly. “I have no doubt in my mind about that.”

Sam looked at her. He really hoped she was right.


They said their goodbyes, but Robin had their number and she promised to call once she got settled. They all wanted to know she and Amanda would be okay.

Dean shook her hand, giving her a genuine smile.

Cas seemed pleased that they were getting along. Dean smiled as Cas immediately moved in to hug Robin. It didn’t surprise him that Cas was going to turn out to be a hugger. It seemed to fit him; Robin held him back. “Thank you again for saving me.”

“Anytime,” Robin whispered, her eyes fond. Cas had that effect on people if they took the time to get to know him, he was endearing.

Sam hugged her as well, lingering longer than was necessary. Dean smirked to himself.

“Be safe and call us,” Sam said for the third time.

Dean snorted. What a freaking girl.

Cas shot him a glare, that was more affection than annoyance.

Dean shrugged.

Robin drove off with a good chunk of cash Dean had slipped to her in private; he had a good stash from hustling pool. Helping Robin start a new life for her and her sister seemed like a good investment. He didn’t want Sam or Cas knowing, he had an image to keep intact.


Dean pulled into another hotel parking lot - he was driving an old, Honda, dark green. He hated the fucking thing. It didn’t handle well, the pedal was too stiff, and it pulled to the left.

They all got out, and Sam went to book a room. Dean glared at the offensive car in front of him, then sighed and turned to face Cas who was staring again.

“I’m sorry,” Cas said simply.

Dean blinked. “What?”

Cas stepped closer, he began to take another step, hesitated, unsure. Dean swallowed and took a step closer himself. He watched as Cas’s eyes softened, and hated how it both unsettled him and made him feel warm inside all at once.

“I’m sorry about the Impala.”

“Oh,” Dean blurted. “It’s just a car,” he managed.

“Not to you. I may not be able to completely understand, but I do know the Impala was important to you.” Cas swallowed, his head tilted in a way that was so clearly Cas. “I’m sorry you lost her.”

Dean rubbed at the back of his neck. Cas always understood, he got him.

Jesus Dean, aren’t you turning into a freaking sap.

“Yeah,” Dean grunted, brushing off his wayward thoughts. “Thanks.”

Cas nodded, then walked to the trunk and began pulling out some supplies they’d picked up.

Dean walked over to him, and started to help.

He saw Sam with his big floppy hair waving keys in the air, gesturing them towards their room.

He glanced back at Cas with his always messy hair, hefting a bag over his shoulder.

Yeah, he’d loved that car, but it was just a car. Everything that was truly irreplaceable had made it out. Everything that he couldn’t live without had made it.

He’d get over the loss of the Impala.

He never would have gotten over losing Sam or Cas.

Considering all the shit they’d seen, all the lives that had been lost, he was going to count that as a victory.


Sam had gone out for fuel in the form off fast food; leaving Dean alone with Cas. He thought about finally having that talk about their freaky link, but he honestly wasn’t sure how to bring it up, or if he even wanted to.

As long as it wasn’t dangerous, he could live with it.

Sometimes he hated it, but others, it was kinda nice. Besides talking wasn’t his strength, so he decided keeping his mouth shut about it would be easier.


Dean didn’t argue with his subconscious, it was right.

Cas came out of the bathroom after showering fully dressed. He was getting much faster, and his hair was appearing somewhat manageable. He seemed okay, tired, and of course haunted by what had happened, but okay nonetheless.

They all would be having nightmares about burned bodies for a long time, but considering Cas was taking it like a champ.

Cas gave him a tired, small, and very Cas-like smile.

Dean could detect some unease coming off him.

Cas exhaled, ran a hand through his hair.

“You okay?” Dean blurted, surprised by how easy it was to ask.

Cas sat down on the bed next to him, he nibbled on his bottom lip, his fingers rubbed the towel around his neck. “I believe so, I’m just…overwhelmed.”

Dean laughed softly. “That’s understandable Cas. You’ve had a rough first few days as a human.”

Cas tilted his head and smiled. “Yes. I suppose I have.”

Cas‘s smile fell and he seemed nervous. “Do you think,” Cas started, paused, took a deep breath, “Am I doing alright?”

Dean stared dumbfounded. He couldn’t help but hear and feel all the unspoken questions floating around Cas.

Am I still useful to you?

Do you still want me around now that I‘m virtually powerless?

Cas stood there, watching him, his heart on his sleeve, and waited for Dean’s reply.

“Shit Cas, of course you’re doing fine - hell, great even,” Dean stammered, hating the anxiety that was bleeding off the former angel.

Cas relaxed a bit, but he could still see and feel the tension in his friend. Dean leaned forward, and grabbed his gun, one of the few they had on them that hadn’t been lost. “I still need to give you those lessons though. Since you’re going to be hunting with us on a more human level it can never hurt to hone your skills.”

Cas lit up in front of him, not literally of course, but his eyes, his face, his body language. For a moment Dean thought he was going to tackle hug him.

But Cas only beamed, and replied. “I would appreciate the training.”

“Good.” Dean slapped him on the shoulder, then began to show him how to clean a gun.

In the middle of the lesson, Cas touched his arm.

Dean paused, his heart jumping oddly at the gesture, and met his eyes.

“I feel there is something I need to speak to you about.”


His gaze traveled to Dean’s shoulder, the handprint began to tingle.

Dean’s eyes widened and his hand reflexively rested over top of it.

“I’m sure you’ve noticed our bond.”

“Uh…yeah,” he whispered, keeping his face blank.

“When I pulled you out of hell, it connected us. For some reason after I became relatively human it became more pronounced.” Cas rubbed his palms on his knees. “I don‘t know why our link got stronger…but I promise it isn’t harmful to you or me.”

Dean nodded slowly.

“I’m sorry I didn’t explain this sooner. Does it…bother you?” Cas’s eyes dropped and his fingers kept tapping on his thigh.

“No,” Dean said, surprising himself when he realized he really meant it.

Cas looked up, shock, muted by tentative joy flowing over his face.

“I mean, I’ve gotten used to it - so sometimes I don’t completely hate it,” he smirked, while his heart starting tripping over itself again.


Cas was smiling again.

Dean ignored his body’s strange behavior, cleared his throat, and blurted, “Now where were we,” as he dived back into Cas’s first lesson.


The three of them flopped down on their respective beds with burgers, fries, and soda. They were trying to pretend things were normal - that they hadn’t just failed to save thousands of lives.

Dean snatched some of Cas’s fries. Cas retaliated by stealing some of his onion rings. Sam laughed and stole from both of them.

It was relaxing. It helped to distract them all from the horrible defeat they’d suffered at the hand of this elusive company.

The one consolation they had was that those things had all been destroyed - at least the ones in that town.

They all knew that company had to have more of them. Who knew where they were getting these eggs from, or how many they had. Dean had to assume they had more of them or had a way of getting more.

Not to mention the advanced weaponry, how those assholes had gotten in and out of the creatures nest without being seen - they’d been left with a lot of questions. Just thinking about it gave him a headache so Dean shoved another fry in his mouth and pushed all those thoughts away.

They’d lost the battle, not the war.

This wasn’t over.

Dean knew that without a doubt that the company would try something like this again, and when they did they’d be there to shove a gun up their collective asses. Next time they would know who and what they were dealing with and things would go differently.

One day they would avenge the death off all those people, until that day came they would continue to hunt, and try and save the world from Lucifer and whatever else the universe threw at them.

Who knew, maybe good ole’ Lucy would end up wiping these fucks out for them.

First things first, tomorrow they would reach Bobby’s. They would start training Cas to fire every type of weapon that existed, and how to fight in close quarters as a human.

Dean smiled at the idea of sparing with Cas - this was going to be fun.

A/N: Thank you so much to anyone who took the time to comment even once. You don't know how much each one means to me; stories like this challenge me and I appreciate those who let me know they've enjoyed it. There is the possibility of a sequel to this, which is why I left some things open for me to build on/play with in the future, but wrapped up the events in this fic. No promises, it depends on my muse, but I do have an outline i've started working on and some brainstorming. Hope you enjoyed this last chapter.


Feel free to friend this journal for the insanity :)

Comments, are as always, loved and adored. Each one makes me smile.

genre: friendship, fic: supernatural: aliens, genre: preslash, genre: horror, genre: au, supernatural, genre: crossover

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