Fic-Crossover-Supernatural:Aliens-Dean,Cas,Sam - (7/?)

May 01, 2012 11:55

Title: Supernatural: Aliens
Author: nicole9514
Chapter: 7/?
Rating: R
Genre: AU/horror/action/crossover - Dean/Castiel pre-slash or strong friendship depending on your preference
Characters: Dean Winchester,Castiel, Sam Winchester, and OC's
Warnings: Violence,language, gore, scary imagery, blood, death
Disclaimer: Only written for fun. I own nothing but the errors and OC's.
A/N: Goes AU after episode 5 X 18 - Team free will fic, but with a heavy focus on Dean/Cas friendship/strong bond, so if you don't like their dynamic you probably won't enjoy this fic.
Special Thanks: To my beta skylar_matthews. To jedakin for reading this fic and encouraging/motivating me to keep writing it.
Summary:Takes place after the events of Season five's Point of No return - Dean, Cas, and Sam investigate a case different than anything they've ever seen before in Gunnison, Colorado.
Wordcount: 3,675 (total so far 45,000)

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

Sam felt like he’d been run over by a stampede of horses. His head was pounding, his mouth dry, his body ached, and his eyes didn’t want to open. He tried to move and found he couldn’t; a slight panic enveloped him and it rallied enough adrenaline to open his heavy eyelids.

He blinked, his vision was blurry, and it was dark. He waited hoping his eyes would adjust - they didn’t. His skin felt sticky, he tried to move again and succeeding in sliding his right arm a smidge, then nothing.

Am I tied up?

He closed his eyes and breathed deeply picking through the cobwebs that were cluttering up his mind.

An image of a creature rising up from behind him, moving so fast he hadn’t even had time to reach for his gun, grabbing him. He must have been knocked out. All he could remember from it was a blur of black and the white flash of teeth.

His heart was pounding now. It was too dark for him to make out anything.

Think Sam. You’ve been in worse situations. There’s always a way out.

He’d had a small key chain flashlight in his pocket; his right pocket.

Sam grit his teeth, dug into every reserve of energy he had, knowing if he didn’t do something he was going to die. He jerked with all his might and succeeded in loosening his arm more. It moved with a sick, wet snapping sound as his arm was freed from its restraint.

Halfway there.

He ran his hand over his chest feeling something coating his clothes. Whatever it was, it was strong. He dug his nails into it, clawing, he barely made a dent.

Sam slid his hand down finding a small gap where his pocket was, he worked at it, picking, and pulling widening the opening in whatever the hell was trapping him. It took awhile, but finally he was able to fit a few fingers in and grasp the plastic handle, pulling it free.

It started to slip from his sweaty, shaky grip.

His heart crashed, but he regained his hold just before it clattered to the floor.

Sam suppressed a sigh, trying to be as silent as possible. Holding his breath, he pressed the button. A tiny beam of light erupted forward, illuminating the wall opposite where he was positioned.

Two eyes stared back, dead and unseeing.

Sam almost gasped, but bit his tongue instead. It was a woman, ratty hair, strings of gunk matting it to the wall she was plastered against, the shit crisscrossed across her body, one arm was pinned to her side, and her chest was a mess. He panned the light around, judging by what he could see of her clothes she’d probably been homeless. It made sense; if all of this truly had begun two weeks ago and no one had noticed - the people being taken would have had to have been invisible.

You’d be surprised how many homeless a town like this could have living in the woods or sewers. It wasn’t just the big cities that had its downtrodden.

Sam tried to lick his lips, but his mouth was as dry as the dessert.

Sam shined the light downward at his feet, trying not to panic when he realized he was hanging suspended several feet from the floor. He was covered in the same goop, he didn’t even want to think about what this shit was, he had enough to worry about.

He had a knife in his boot, but there was no way in hell he could reach it.

He’d been packing, but if his gun was still there, it was pinned between his back and the wall - he was fucked.

No. Dean and Cas will come for you. It’s your job to stay alive until they do.

In the distance a popping noise, his brain still jumbled took awhile to place it.


He started to call out, hoping it was a rescue mission, hoping they weren’t getting slaughtered. He managed a weak, “Dean! Cas!” It came out hoarse, and strangled.

Fuck. He had to better than that. His vocal chords felt like rubber.

He took a deep breath, more gunfire, they’d never hear him over it. He mentally prepared himself and his body to scream the moment it stopped.

In true form to life loving to punch the Winchesters in the balls whenever it got the chance an odd sound had him freezing.


He jerked the light towards it. Sitting on the floor several feet away was what could only be described as an egg. A huge football sized egg, with slits on the top, and more of that sticky, crap coating it and the area around it.

That was new.

He squinted, at the sides he could see movement, something was inside and it was waking up.

A slick sound, a seal being broken, then the top opened like a grotesque flower being born.

A mess of white crap sat on top, it closely resembled really pale pasta.

Sam watched transfixed, his pulse rocketing, his skin crawling, his nerves frayed.

His gaze pulled by some instinct moved upward to the ground in front of where the woman had died. Another egg sat there, opened and silent.

More movement drew his gaze back to the one in front of him.

The top twitched and he saw thin, bony legs tease the top edges of the egg and he realized what was about to happen.

He knew this was what had attacked Cas, this was what was impregnating people with those monsters. They came from this; this was where the cycle started.

He did not want to die this way.

He opened and his mouth and forced out a scream because it was all he could do.


Dean knew running when one of those things could drop on them was foolish, but he didn’t care, and apparently neither did Cas who was hot on his heels as they pounded down the corridor.

“Sam!” Dean screamed.

“I’m here!” He could hear the fear and terror in Sam’s panicked tone.

It was close, they barreled forward, light shone from up ahead.

Dean saw Sam, then he saw the thing climbing out of the egg in front of him. He fired as it started to leap towards Sam.

It hit the ground.

Cas shouted a warning, and fired behind them. Dean spun; Cas had taken out one of the big ones legs. It was a smart tactic the former angel had devised; one that crippled the creatures and minimized acid spray.

The thing screeched; its tail whipped towards them, missing Cas’s windpipe by inches. Dean fired at the other front leg, enjoying watching it crumple forward.

Dean saw movement in his peripheral vision as Cas pumped the things face full of several shotgun rounds.

“Reloading.” He shouted even as Dean looked up to see one crawling across the ceiling, heading straight for Cas.

Dean moved in between them, hitting it square in the face, it fell to the ground and one arm reached for his ankle, he almost stomped on it before remembering he might lose a foot.

Shit. This acid thing was a real bitch.

Dean fired at it again; it went still.

Cas had finished reloading and was scanning the room, eyes wide.

Dean lit his last flare and flooded the room with light; he moved until his back was pressed against Cas’s.

“Anything,” Dean panted.

“No,“ he heard Cas take a huge gulp of air. “Maybe we got them all.”

Dean wished that were true, but considering he was staring at five other people with their chests ripped open, and the five shriveled bodies of the face hugging creatures littering the floor beneath them - he seriously doubted it. “Cas,” he touched his arm.

Cas turned. “Oh no,” he rasped as he took it all in.

“Yeah. And who knows how many more victims are down here.”

Dean pulled his gaze away from the bodies molded to the walls around Sam, and carefully made his way to his brother. Now that he had two seconds to breathe, relief at seeing him alive flowed through him, and he released a breath he hadn‘t even realized he‘d been holding ever since that phone call.

“Sammy, you okay?”

Sam was staring at the bodies of the serpents they’d taken out, his pupils huge, his lips cracked, and his one free arm that was wielding a tiny flashlight like a light saber shook.

“Sam.” Dean repeated firmly, lifting Sam’s face so he could examine his neck, no bruises.

Thank God.

Sam blinked. “Yeah - you guys?”

“We’ll live.” He pulled out his knife. “Let’s get you out of this shit.”

“Works for me.”

“I’ve got your backs,” Cas said moving into position to guard them, his head moving side to side as he scanned both directions.

“I know,” Dean whispered as he started to cut.


Sam helped Dean yank his last leg free and he almost cried with relief. He felt nasty, sticky and it was going to take a lot of showers to get all of this shit off of him.

He wanted out of this little shop of horrors and it took all of his self control to act normal. With the flare blazing, he had a nice view of the area he’d been strung up in - and there was more than one victim present.

He’d almost been one of them. Helpless, and infected with a monster growing in his chest. He could only imagine the terror Cas had felt being alone out in those woods with that thing, struggling to implant him with its spawn.

He felt a surge of gratitude for that sheriff. Local law could be a pain in the ass and do more harm than good in these kinds of situations, but Robin reminded him that, that wasn’t always the case.

He felt his back and cursed silently, his weapon was missing. Probably had lost it when that thing had been dragging him down here. “Gun,” he stated.

Dean handed him a 9mm, Sam took it, the familiar cool metal in his hands comforted him.

“Thanks for coming after me guys.”

“You would have done the same for us.” Cas said, in that matter of fact tone, but his blue eyes were filled with intensity.

Dean slapped him on the back. “No problem. Besides, I need you around to carry all the extra gear. Great pack mules are hard to come by.”

Sam snorted. “Right. Now can we get the hell out of here.” Sam looked down the tunnels. “Ummm…where are we?”

“The sewer system under the town.” Cas replied.


“This way.” Dean gestured taking point, Cas fell into the rear, leaving Sam in the middle. Sam was astounded how comfortable the recently fallen angel had gotten wielding a shotgun. Cas nodded once at him as their eyes met, then he was checking on the ceiling, his light illuminating the grotesque architecture these things had weaved all over everything.

Sam held his handgun at the ready, his feet moving slowly and quietly, his eyes traveling along the walls.

“These things blend in with the walls,” Dean murmured, his head moving side to side, his light piercing the dark ahead of them. “Be ready for anything.”

Sam was tired, his body ached, and his palms were sweaty - but he was alert. He would not die down here in this cesspool. He’d eat a bullet before becoming a host to one of those fucking things.

“Believe me, I am.”

Sam just kept putting one foot in front of the other, praying the quiet lasted.

Each step brought them closer to the exit, Dean signaled they were halfway there.

They reached a flare Dean must have thrown down on the way in - it was still burning. It meant his companions couldn’t have passed through here that long ago. Sam hated thinking of Dean and Cas wandering around down here looking for him for any length of time. The thought made his heart jump, and his stomach churn.

They’d faced some horrible shit, but these things were topping the list.

Another step.

Something wet hit his cheek. Sam wiped at the water, hating that leaky pipes could make him squirm. His hand swiped at it and it stuck to his fingers, thick and syrupy.


“Above us,” Sam snarled as he darted sideways, and aimed upward knowing firing while he was under it was asking for an acid bath.

Something black, and fast swiped at him. Sam fired at it, eliciting a shriek of rage from the thing as it leapt down, its tail dripping green blood. Sam aimed for its half-open fang filled mouth, when duo shotgun blasts rang out, and two of the things limbs were permanently severed. It fell forward, still drooling and snarling like a champ. Its tail whipped side to side; Sam dropped to the ground as the acid sprayed against the walls.

He heard Cas hiss, Dean cursed. Sam aimed from his position on the floor across from the downed monstrosity and filled its head with five more rounds.

One more shotgun blast rang out.

Its tail flopped to the ground and stayed still.

“Everyone alive?” Dean panted.

Sam sat up, his eyes darting to Dean, then Cas. The former angel had discarded his jacket and was rubbing at his forearm.

Sam got to his feet, his weapon still aimed at the serpents head. “I’m good. Cas?” Sam asked.

Dean handed Sam another clip, as he went to check on their friend.

“I’m alright. A few drops got on my jacket, but I removed it in time.” Cas’s voice was steady, but Sam could see the tightness around his eyes, could smell burned leather.

Dean looked ready to murder the thing all over again. “Let’s get the fuck out of here before any more of them decide to drop in.”

They moved ahead, keeping closer, heads darting more, weapons aimed upward, and at every wall waiting for movement.

It didn’t help that the sewer was constantly making odd noises, steam pumping, things banging, and tiny splashes.

Sam was so tense he was sure he might snap like a cheap rubber band.

They reached the threshold of the nest. Stepping outside of the monsters secretions made breathing a bit easier.

“We’re almost there.” Dean whispered, as they moved ahead, feet sloshing through puddles of water.

Five more steps.

Three more.

A bang from below, they all froze as the platform they were walking vibrated beneath their feet.

Sam looked down and could see nothing but the metal walkway.


“Behind us!” Cas shouted, Sam was turning before the former angel finished his warning.

One of the dragons was rushing them.

Cas shot it in the chest, it slowed, screeching.

The walkway shook again.

“Move backwards,” Dean hollered. “We’re almost out of here.”

They all started stepping back.

Dean shot the injured one that had gotten up on its feet again.

A screech from the side, Sam spun aiming, firing as one climbed over the railing, dripping water. It must have been underneath the walkway.

Sam fired, hitting it in the face; the thing didn’t even flinch.

Sam cringed inwardly as its jaw opened and a second mouth snaked out. Snapping, threatening.


“Fuck!” Dean snarled, a clicking sound. He was out.

Sam could have sworn the thing was actually grinning.

It dropped over the railing.

Sam fired; he might as well have been tossing rocks at the creature.

“Dean, get down!” Cas shouted.

Dean dropped and Cas pumped it full of two rounds.

Dean was frantically reloading as Cas hauled him up. “We need to get out of here now! I can feel them getting closer - there are more.” Cas sounded strained, scared, his breathing rapid. Sweat streamed down the side of his face.

They made it ten steps.

Two more leapt up onto the platform from the river of sewage under them.

Dean and Cas both aimed firing, taking out a limb.

Sam glanced behind him, another was charging behind. These fuckers were surrounding them.

He fired, it did nothing but piss the thing off. The creature was only a few meters away and Sam knew he was fucked as more shotgun blasts went off behind him. Dean and Cas were trapped in their own battle- he hoped they made it out.

“Look out.” A new voice entered the fray.

Sam blinked as Robin Blalock shoved him aside, and lowered her own shotgun , blasting the thing in the face three times.

It went down, acid melting the walkway. Sam stared in amazement as its body fell through the floor, its own fluids devouring the metal.

Sam didn’t have a chance to thank her, before Dean was grabbing his arm.

“Move now,” Dean snapped.

“The ladder’s just ahead,” Robin said as they raced forward.

Sam felt his eyes burn at the sight of it. “You first Sammy.”

Sam normally would have argued, but he was carrying the weakest weapon, and he felt like shit. He started climbing, when he reached the surface he took deep gulping breaths of fresh air and immediately turned and covered Robin who was right behind him.

She helped Cas up, who then helped Dean.

All four of them sat there, guns trained down the hole, waiting.

Nothing happened.

They’d just vanished.

Dean leaned over, whispered something in Cas’s ear. Cas shook his head.

Sam guessed Dean was asking if their de-juiced friend was picking up anything.

“Guess they had somewhere else to be,” Dean quipped, wiping at his face.

Sweat and grime covered all of them.

Sam knew he looked like he’d been bathing in a combination of spider webs and glue. But he was alive. And so were Dean, and Cas. That was all that mattered.

They all stood, no one said a word as they covered the manhole, and moved several meters away.

“We need to wipe out that entire fucking nest,” Dean checked his shotgun.

“I agree.” Cas replied. “We need bigger weapons.”

Dean smirked. “I like the way you think.”

“I can help with that.” The sheriff chimed in, drawing Sam’s attention toward her.

Robin’s eyes were wide, her dark hair was a mess, other than that she was keeping her cool. It was surprising. Hell, if he wasn’t in the know about things that go bump in the night he’d probably have freaked out.

Cas smiled. “Any help would be appreciated,” he replied, “Thank you.”

“No problem,” her eyes flickered to the manhole. “Are ya’ll okay?”

“Let’s can the small talk and put some distance between us and this freaking sewer,” Dean said, something in his eyes worried Sam. It wasn’t dramatic, Sam only noticed because he knew his brother so well.

He was missing something.

Sam tried to catch Dean’s attention as they jogged towards the car, Dean ignored him. The sheriff’s cruiser was parked next to the Impala.

They reached the vehicles.

“How’d you find us?” Dean asked her, his eyes still daggers.

Sam blinked - he’d assumed Dean had asked her to back them up, cover their exit.

She pursed her lips, guilt evident. “After you hung up on me, I followed you - I had a hunch you weren’t telling me everything.” She swallowed. And I think, considering what happened, it’s a good thing I did.” Robin crossed her arms over her chest.

Dean nodded; his expression blank.

This wasn’t the time or place for this discussion. Not with those damn things running around. “Let’s at least get in the car before we continue this.” Sam suggested, glancing around, shivering slightly as a breeze blew.

Dean grinned. “Sounds like a plan. We‘ll take ours.” He opened the passenger seat door and gestured for Robin to get in. “Ladies first.” She stared at him for several long seconds, her expression had Sam sure she would tell Dean to go screw himself, but for some reason she slid inside.

Sam started for the back, Dean shook his head. “You drive.”

Sam smacked his lips together and got in the drivers seat. He had a sneaking suspicion of where this might be headed, but he was going to trust his brother and follow Dean’s lead on this one.

Dean sat behind Robin, and Cas behind Sam.

“Let’s head to the hotel, we need to fill in the sheriff here. She’s right. We have been keeping her in the dark on some things. It’s time to clear the air.”

Sam met Dean’s eyes in the mirror; Dean was sporting a perfect poker face.

Sam wiped some gunk off his forehead and fired her up. Sam drove a block listening to Cas reloading their weapons, he’d just finished the first one when the sound of a gun cocking filled the car.

Cas made a surprised sound. Robin stiffened.

Sam glanced over. Dean had his weapon pointed at Robin’s head. Her hands were folded in her lap, and her jaw was clenched.

“Now you listen bitch, I don’t know what kind of game you’ve been playing with us, but I do know how to spot a tail. You did NOT follow us.” Dean pressed the weapon flush with her cheek. “So I’ll ask you again, how did you know where to find us?”

Well, this should be fun.

Next Chapter

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genre: friendship, fic: supernatural: aliens, genre: preslash, genre: horror, genre: au, supernatural, genre: crossover

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