Tutorial : Simple bright colouring.

Aug 18, 2007 02:56

So we're going from

to this

-In photoshop 8 (I think)
-includes curves
-unsure if translates
-Pretty simple, and basic, to get a nice bright colour
-First tut, so advice/comments are love

1) First of all i got my base from wearmedown_x @ dont_be_so_base. Because its so dark I duplicated the layer (Ctrl J) and set it to screen. Since the base is dark I did this four times - Do it as many times as you wish depending on the light of your icon.


2) Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves...
Point 1; 123, 141
Point 2; 75, 114

3) Layer > New Fill layer > Solid . Fill it with 0B0B4D and set it to exclusion. Play with opacity, mine was at just 39%

4) Layer > New Fill layer > Solid . Fill it with EEC9E8 and set it to colour burn. Play with opacity again to match your picture, mine was at just 67%

5) Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Brightness/Contrast. Set to +10 and -2

6) Duplicate your original image, set it to soft light and lower the opacity, mine ended up at 40%.

Extras; I then added words (font is tall dark and handsome) and a tiny text brush by sanami276

And youre done! XD

If you tried this and liked it join the comm! And tell me so I will make more ;]

And if you make soemthing with it, let me know, i always love other peoples work XD

Other exapmples with this colouring;;

tutorial: icon, tutorial: colouring

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