HEROES Semi-Review.

Sep 23, 2008 22:07


Just to explain that little explosion there; l went to the Heroes Countdown premiere thingy and I they showed me in the crowd. I was quite thrilled.

Did anyone else find Angela Petrelli's powers rather anti-climactic? I mean, this is the first time we're learning of said powers, right? They had this dramatic 2 season build up and all she can do is see the future in dreams? Like seriously, is that it? Or can she do something totally wicked like go into other peoples dreams and turn it into a nightmare/make them go nuts (coughDoctorDestinycough)?

Also, Mohinder is an idiot. An articulate idiot, but an idiot none the less. It was like, Hmm? should I throw away this thing that can potentially disfigure, poison, or even kill me? Or should I stick this needle in me and just wing it? I'll choose the latter! Yay! I mean, seriously... wtf? He's the smartest dumb person I've ever seen. Yes, I just quoted I, Robot. Also, please tell me I wasn't the only one who was thinking 'he's gonna get an STD' when he stuck that needle in his arm?

Where's Matt? In Africa apparently, and why isn't Mohinder caring where Matt is? I mean, didn't they adopt a little girl together. Oooo, Mohinder cheated on Matt. Haha, Matt thought he could talk to animals. Silly Matt. I'm sure I after Heroes is over, Greg Grunburg would do well on a sit com or something. He seems like a funny guy.

I really liked the Sylar/Claire scene. So we finally get to see how Sylar's power really works. I liked Claire's question to him, "Are you going to eat my brain?", and he's like eww, no. So he finds it and then just takes it. I'm interested to see what direction Claire's story goes now that she can't feel any pain. I mean, she's already starting to question her own humanity. Will she find faith like her biological father? Or will she join the villains?

Oh man, Angela telling Sylar she's his mom. That was crazy!Awesome. I was like holy crap! Wow. That was a pretty cool revelation.

Oh and Future Peter shot Nathan, and then put Regular Peter in the body of a crazy guy. But now Regular Peter has been 'liberated', but is confused. And Future Peter messed things up again, and needs to find Regular Peter to set things right. This is sorta starting to feel like the Old Adventures of New Christine, isn't it?

Aww, and poor Ando! It's sooo sad how he doesn't really get why Hiro's mad at him, and Hiro's shutting him out cause of what he saw. I seriously think Hiro misinterpreted what he saw and really HE was the bad guy, or something? I wouldn't want Hiro to ever be the bad guy, but, that's really the kind of heartbreaking twist Tim Kring is into.

Nathan's sudden interest in religion is going to be interesting. I don't think we've had a religious Hero before. You know what'd be interesting, a priest or someone of religious authority having a power and using it to bring in followers.

Nikki's gone crazy (again) and has new powers. Wow. Well wait, is she really Nikki Nikki, or is she really the other lady? Also what's with the freaky ice powers? I miss Micah.

Speedy girl makes me think of that Evil Flash from the episode where they fought their doppelgangers. Good times.

Yeah, so that's what I think. I'm sure there's something I've missed something, but for now that's all. If I think of something I'll post in an edit. 

heroes, reviews

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