Fic: Teach me to love [part 5 of 5]

Sep 12, 2011 18:48

Title: Teach Me to Love
Author: bleedforyou1
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Beta: vanessawolfie & wendypops
Word count: 10, 903 [posted in 5 parts]
Warnings: epilogue-compliant (kinda)
Summary: Draco Malfoy never thought he'd have to share a school with Harry Potter again. Nor did he think it was possible for the git to drive Draco even more insane.

Start Here

Draco came out of the Floo, dusting himself off and stepping into the foyer. That meeting had taken several hours longer than he had suspected, but he was thankful-it had given him the chance to talk to the Minister about some very important issues.

He made quick work of his cloak bindings and tossed it over the back of his armchair. Thankfully, one of the house-elves had started a fire and the room was nice and toasty compared to the icy wind that was rampaging outside.

Leaning over the mantel, Draco drank in the heat from the fire and suddenly stiffened.

He felt another presence in the room-a powerful, lusty desire overcame him. Harry.

Draco didn’t turn, simply closed his eyes and willed some courage back into his bones. “How is James?” Draco asked after a moment.

He heard some shuffling as Potter came closer, leaning against the wall next to the fireplace. Draco didn’t look at him.

“Good. He and I talked for a long while after you left. I can’t thank you enough, Draco. You’ve been more of a father to him than I have for the last two years. Ever since Ginny and I split up... well, he was right. I hadn’t talked to him individually unless he had got into trouble.”

“You’re not a bad father,” Draco said resolutely, finally looking towards Harry, who looked exhausted. “Trust me.”

“I do,” Harry said, smiling slightly. Draco swallowed thickly.

They stood there for a while, simply taking in the heat of the fire, and of each other.

“Tell me why you left,” Harry said. “I know you wanted it just as badly as I did, Draco.”

Closing his eyes, Draco fought hard to remain calm. “It was just... the wrong time.”

“Why is it always the wrong time for us?” Harry asked, and Draco felt him walking closer and closer, until he was holding Draco’s wrists loosely.

“I can’t, Harry. I just can’t.” Draco broke off, feeling emotion rise up in his chest.

“Is this some sense of obligation that you feel because you’re Headmaster and I’m a Professor? Or is it about what the kid’s will think? What is it?” Harry insisted.

“All of those things and more,” Draco said. “I am Headmaster, and you love being a Professor. And what will the kids, our families, say? I know Scorpius wants this, but I don’t know about your children.”

“Draco,” Harry said, and Draco was shocked when the man started to laugh. “My children are over the moon about it. Lily and Albus adore you, and I had a long talk with James about it today. He said he likes the idea as well. And, about our careers... I need to speak with you about that, actually.”

“Oh no,” Draco said, shaking his head. “Don’t even think about quitting because of this-”

“It’s not because of this,” Harry interrupted him. “Well, it kind of is, but not completely. I realised today that James being an assistant professor would be much more of a help for you, and you could hire someone else to teach while he’s learning. I went to Hogsmeade today... they’re building a small school for younger students, for beginning magic.”

“I know,” Draco said in confusion. “I’m on the planning committee for that.”

“Exactly. I think, to be honest, I want to teach there. I always enjoyed teaching my kids magic when they were youngsters, and this would bring me close to Hogwarts as well...”

Draco blinked, realising what Harry was saying. “Oh. Oh.”

Harry grinned. “I can teach anywhere, but there's only one man I want, so, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Unless...”


“Unless you don’t really want this. In which case, I’ll leave you alone.”

Draco looked up in surprise. “No! I mean, yes, I do want this! Oh, Harry.” Draco nearly broke at the apprehension in Harry’s eyes. “I’ve never wanted anything as much as this-I just-”

Draco, not knowing what else to say, pulled Harry in suddenly, pressing his lips against his in a kiss that was so much hotter than any fire. He tried to put every ounce of the emotion he was feeling back into the kiss, so that Harry would know how Draco felt about him. How much he wanted to be his equal, for once, and to be next to him all the time.

They broke off after long moments of nipping and kissing and Harry panted, “I guess that means I should fill out my resignation papers, Headmaster Malfoy.”

“Later,” Draco growled, pulling Harry’s shirt up and over his head. “First, I need to taste you.”

With that, he dropped down to his knees and kissed Harry’s sculpted abs-oh the man must still get great exercise-as he also worked open his trousers, pulling them down.

“Slow down, Draco.” Harry laughed huskily, looking down at him. “We’ve got time-tons of time.”

Draco looked up and smiled softly. Yes, they had tons of time.


“Oh, fuck!” Draco panted as Harry thrust into him harder each time. Hours later and they still had not had enough of each other-three times, Draco had already succumbed to pleasure and each was better than the last. “Fourth time for the win, eh, Potter?” He chuckled hoarsely.

“Oh, this. Is. Nothing, Malfoy.” Harry grinned fiercely, punctuating each word with another brutal thrust. “Wait until I let you inside me.”

Draco came from the thought alone and Harry soon tumbled afterwards. They lay in sweat and basked in the afterglow, tangled in Draco’s bedsheets.

“How did I last so long in this world without touching you?” Harry mumbled, kissing along Draco’s chest.

“You were always into touching the wrong people.” Draco laughed, even when Harry smacked him on the hip for his comment. “We really must thank the kids. They did help us realise how much we were...” Draco trailed off, not knowing how to describe what he was feeling.

Harry leaned in and kissed him on the corner of his mouth. “Meant for each other?”

“Yes.” Draco smiled, but then frowned when he thought of something else. “Although, I seriously can’t believe I lost two Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers in less than two months of school.”

Harry chortled. “It’s okay. I still think you’re an excellent headmaster.”

The End

nc-17, teach me to love, harry/draco, fic: one-shot, fic

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