Fic: Loving In Tongues

Mar 20, 2011 18:03

Title: Loving In Tongues
Author: Read more... )

birthday, crazy stuff, fic, gifts, f-list love, nc-17, harry/draco, fic: one-shot

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brinimc March 20 2011, 23:36:48 UTC
EEEEEEEEEK! Bleedy, this is possibly one of your best stories! I love it so much, there was so much emotion here. I teared up a bit when Harry was upset cause you know I love a hurt Harry. That was so sad, when he got upset. I love how Draco is all pouty like "I apologized 5 times!" Hahahaha, good job, Draco! Sneaky arsed Slytherin!

It was, however, also his least favourite part because he didn’t understand what Harry was saying!
I think that is such a good way to describe how Draco must feel about the parseltongue, cause while it is hot, I imagine that he would get annoyed not being able to understand what Harry was saying. It figures that he has to ruin it but wanting to know, but then again it makes sense cause I would want to know too!

“I don’t remember what I said, Draco,” Harry would say, curling around Draco in his usual post-coital snuggle. “It’s all, you know, in the heat of the moment.”
I suppose in a way, Harry is at fault too because he was keeping secrets from Draco and he should know that that is a no-no. But then again, it was "I love you" so that is understandable. Poor lying Harry... XD

Draco couldn’t even finish his sentence before Harry jumped on him, dragging him up and slamming his back against the wall, melding his lips hard against Draco’s.
You even wrote an aggressive Harry who is rough during sex! I mean really, can this fic get any better? I love the slamming him into walls and the floor and the bruises! It adds a great visual. Mmmmmmm :D

“You are amazing and brilliant and I so don’t deserve you, but I want you all the time-“
YES!!!! Self-doubting Harry FTW! You really know me by now! And this is why I luv you so much! You capture the Harry and Draco that I love so perfectly! Seriously, I just love love love your fics!

Hahahahahaha, and of course Draco has to slip up! That is so typical Draco *Strangles him* and I love it! “Fuck! I should’ve known! Once a snake, always a snake!”
Awww now that just hurts! Harry went from dazed, to shocked to very angry and he just knew the exact thing to say! Now I feel horrible for Harry AND Draco and it's all Harry's fault!

He really should’ve seen this coming. No pun intended.
This made me chuckle for a moment but then it just made me really really sad! Poor Draco, trying to make jokes when he's just slipped up! He does it too with the "girly" line and it's so sweet how he tries to cover up his slip-up with jokes.

“Why not? It was so romantic…in the heat of the moment; you confess your undying love for me?” Draco grinned and felt his heart flutter when Harry smiled back.

“I don’t think I said all that.”

Hahahahahahahahahaha!!! I think this line is my favorite!

Awww, and the ending was just so cute! I love the way Draco says he loves Harry and the part where Harry hisses back! This was the bestest birthday gift evah, lady and i thank you sososososo much for it and I am glad you are my friend and I lurve you and your fics and I read them all the time and I am honored that you wrote me a birthday fic and I get honored everytime you write me a fic because you are super duper awesome and a great fic writer! And that you wrote me TWO fics? *Tears up* You are so amaze. Not. Even. Joking!

*Squishes so tightly it hurts*


vanessawolfie March 20 2011, 23:46:47 UTC
Just want to say that this comment concretes the reasons I had for giving you a bday gift honey. I love your comments and you squee moments.
and 621 words of a comment ? That's awesome!


brinimc March 20 2011, 23:48:35 UTC
But I used her quotes! That takes out a good number of words!

*Loves Squeeing over Bleedy*

Thank you! And thank you again for my bday gift from you! :)


bleedforyou1 March 26 2011, 16:03:04 UTC
*agrees whole-heartedly*


bleedforyou1 March 26 2011, 15:59:24 UTC
Thank you so much, darling :) I hope this fic made your bday just a lil better,considering it's the most talent I have heehee xD

“Why not? It was so romantic…in the heat of the moment; you confess your undying love for me?” Draco grinned and felt his heart flutter when Harry smiled back.

“I don’t think I said all that.”

Hahahahahahahahahaha!!! I think this line is my favorite!




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