Bday ficlet for wendypops

Mar 15, 2011 16:01

Happy Birthday, my dear dear friend, wendypops. *twirls* Have a ficlet!

Title: Changing a Light Bulb
Author: bleedforyou1
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Beta: vanessawolfie
Summary: Harry changes a light bulb while Draco watches.
Word count: 200
Warnings: pre-slash. fluff.
Note: Happy birthday Wendy! Here's a ficlet to your prompt light bulb.

Harry Potter really did know how to change a light bulb. What made him nervous though, was when his Auror partner watched him change said light bulb.

In their office, the Ministry’s new ‘Muggle-friendly-electronic-including -world’ was having a serious effect on his partner. In frustration, Draco forced Harry to do all things Muggle, and so came the changing of the light bulb.

Harry, not wanting to break the bulb, decided to do it without magic. So, he clambered up on his desk and began to change it, trying not to look down, where he could feel Draco’s eyes on his arse.

“Potter, you really do have a fantastic arse.”

Harry couldn’t help it-he dropped the bulb.

“What?” Harry yelped, turning around. “Why would you say that to me when I was holding a light bulb in my hand?”

Draco shrugged. “It’s true.”

Harry sighed, getting off the desk and grabbing his wand to clean up the broken pieces.

“You’re just teasing me,” he muttered.

“I’m not,” Draco whispered, suddenly right behind Harry. He pressed up against him and Harry shivered. “Teasing means I won’t follow through. And trust me; I intend to show you how fantastic your arse is.”

birthday, f-list love, harry/draco, fic: one-shot, fic

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