please read this awesomeness.

Feb 13, 2011 11:56

HAAAA!!!!!! Who won? That's RIGHT--- WE DID. All of you other teams can just SUCK IT.

>>Lol, okay, I'm just joking and being an immature serpent. But seriously, more people need to play that game-- it is so much freakin' fun!!! Go over to hd_quidditch, read over the rules and SIGN UP! Trust me, you'll have fun. Sometimes it can get a little difficult, but it is so worth it =D Go on, sign up for the snidgets, heaven knows they need all the help they can get (hugs brinimc).

Anyway, back to business...
>>I'm really sorry to my f-list today, but I'm going to be posting my Valentine's today (probably in a few hours) and I will most likely be spamming your f-lists. SORRY, ahead of time!!!!

>>Also!!! Thank you soooo much to kayoko for my adorable v-gift! Surprise gift, that is! lol <333

Grr... my roommate wants me to bake cupcakes with her for our I-Hate-Valentines-Day party tomorrow... but I wanna write, not bake! Gah. lol, sorry, mini-tangent there.

>>Prompting begins at hd_smoochfest tomorrow, so I'll be over there checkin' out the awesome ideas that our h/d fandom has, lol. Trying to measure up...

>>hd_squee posts the discussion post for the week, and they chose an awesome story by dysonrules. Go check it out and SQUEEEEE with us!!! <3

One last thing---> hd_seasons has been posting FREAKING AWESOMENESS. Go over there and check it out, because most of those fics/art/letters make my day. every. day. hahaha.

okay now I'm off to go get some breakfast at Starbucks and set up my Valentine's. Horrayyyy :D

Lovez youz allz,

P.s.: just as a disclaimer, yes, brinimc gave me the nickname bleedy, and I whole-heartedly hope that everyone begins calling me that because it's so adorbs. <333

blah blah blah, valentine's day gifts, f-list love, hd_squee, pimpage

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