Starving (part 5 of 10)

Jan 04, 2011 17:17

Title: Starving
Author: bleedforyou1 
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17 overall
Beta: vanessawolfie and wendypops 
Summary: Harry is trying to live his life as normally as possible, until a man shows up on his doorstep, lost and starving.
Warnings: Slash. Sex in later chapters. Flangst. Malnutrition, sorrow, grief. 
Note: Thank you to my wonderful betas for really helping with this story. I've been working on this story for a long time, and I really hope it works out, because it's really important to me :) I'll post a chapter everyday, considering the story is done, haha.

Part 1 is HERE
Part 2 is HERE
Part 3 is HERE
Part 4 is HERE

“No! I don’t want to go inside yet!” Teddy shrieked and Harry pressed his fingertips to his temples. The headache was ever-building. “More snow time!”

“Teddy, that’s enough snow time. And please stop yelling, my head is starting to hurt.”

Teddy’s temper tantrums were rare, but they seemed to happen when Harry was least expecting them.

“You’re so mean! I won’t go inside, I won’t! Draco, tell him!” The boy’s hair lightened into bright blonde again, apparently trying to appeal to Draco.

The man turned away from his snowman and stared down at the boy clinging to his legs with a hopeful expression.

“Er, listen, Teddy. We can go inside now, and if you’re good, I’m sure Harry will let you play tomorrow, won’t you Potter?” Draco said, smirking at Harry.

“We’ll see tomorrow, Teddy. Now, let’s go inside! We’ve been out for a while, and you’re going to catch a cold.”

“No, no, no!” The boy started to run away as Harry tried to pick him up.

“Theodore Lupin!” Harry barked, his patience running short. “You come here right now, or so help me, I will take Lenny away for the whole night!”

Teddy stopped running around in circles and started crying, stomping his feet. Harry sighed, closing his eyes for a moment before picking the boy up and carrying him inside.

“Wow, is that the ‘Potter Scary Voice’? It sure had me quaking in my boots!” Draco’s sarcastic laugh caused Harry to grit his teeth as he closed the door.

He used the hand that wasn’t carrying Teddy to pull off the boy’s jacket and wet boots, and then hang his scarf and hat up. Draco followed suit, hanging up the heavy winter cloak that he borrowed from Harry.

“Teddy bear, please stop crying. I’m begging you,” Harry grumbled, seating the boy in his chair at the dining table. “I’ll make you some hot chocolate…”

“Hot chocolate!” The crying turned into a squeal of delight and he used the back of his hands to wipe his tears and snot away. Draco cringed at the gesture and Harry bit down a laugh.

Harry cleaned Teddy’s face and sat him down in front of his Quidditch action figures before he started to make hot chocolate, in which Draco watched silently with a calculating look in his eyes.

“It’s not Ancient Runes, Draco-just hot chocolate. No need to study it,” Harry smirked.

Draco walked over to him, using a finger to pick up some of the foam and lick it almost curiously. Harry’s eyes nearly crossed at the gesture.

“Maybe I wasn’t studying the drink-just you making it,” Draco said casually, but the heat in his eyes told Harry that his thoughts weren’t as casual.

“Yeah? Did you enjoy my techniques?” Harry asked huskily, placing his hand on Draco’s narrow hip. He didn’t know where Draco’s sexy attitude was coming from after the hesitation from earlier in the day, but he knew he didn’t want to risk losing the chance.

“No, I just enjoy seeing you so domestic. It turns me on to see the Saviour of the Wizarding World cook for me,” Draco shrugged, throwing his own smirk at Harry.

“Great,” Harry sighed, rolling his eyes.

“Next time, wear an apron for me, yeah?” Draco bit his lip and looked up through his light eyelashes, and Harry felt soft fingertips trace his ribcage.

“Where is this coming from? You were hesitant to kiss me earlier today,” Harry blurted out. He blushed after realizing what he’d just said out loud.

Draco simply smiled. “Being back here…you do things to me, Mr. Potter.” He shrugged and Harry’s heart stuttered with an emotion he couldn’t place. “I’d like to see where this could go…”

“You’re such a tease, Malfoy. I hate it when people tease,” Harry growled, his hand tightening on the man’s hip.

“Really? That’s too bad… I love teasing,” he grinned tilting his head to the side, a challenge if Harry had ever seen one.

“Of course you do. The epitome of Slytherin, through and through,” Harry replied.

Draco leaned his head back and laughed, his whole body going into the gesture. Harry stared, mesmerized by the lightness of Draco’s laugh-it was nearly enough to erase the memories of his sneers and jaunts back at Hogwarts. That one laugh was enough to make Harry want to lean him over the counter and-

“What’s so funny?” A loud voice interrupted his thoughts. Harry turned and saw that Teddy was kneeling on the back of the couch was staring at them in curiosity.

Harry let go of Draco immediately, shock running through him. He couldn’t believe he had just contemplated shagging Draco with Teddy in the next room, right there.

“Harry was being extraordinarily amusing, Teddy,” Draco replied, still chuckling.

Harry cracked a smile when he felt the fingers on his ribs tighten before Draco let go.

“Finish up with that hot chocolate, already, oh Saviour,” Draco winked at him, turning away and heading towards the living room and sitting next to Teddy.

Harry took a deep breath, trying to steady his rattled nerves. Hermione was right-Draco always did tend to bring out a side of Harry that no one understood.


“Hawy, can I eat Wonka chocolate too?”

“Harry, do Muggles normally dress like that?”

“Can I have a squirrel? Please, please, please!”

“Oh Merlin! Are those ugly little Oompa Loompa things real? I’ve never heard of them!”

Harry sighed and closed his eyes, the headache returning from earlier. They were watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, one of the Muggle DVDs he had. He sat on the couch with Teddy sitting in his lap and Draco leaning against him, and they both would not stop asking him questions.

“Yes, Teddy, I will get you Wonka chocolate…no, you can’t have a squirrel. You remember what happened to that turtle-I just don’t think you’re responsible enough to have a pet right now…No, Draco, Muggles do not normally dress like Willy Wonka. He’s just odd-and no, Oompa Loompas are not real.”

The rest of the movie was filled with more insistent questions from the both of them, and Harry nearly wept with joy once the movie was over.

“That was the bestest movie ever! Can we watch it again tomorrow?” Teddy asked excitedly, jumping up and nearly falling off the couch.  Harry caught him lightly and stood up, turning off the TV.

“We’ll see, Teddy bear. I’m going to go warm up the spaghetti I made last night, why don’t you and Draco-“ Harry was interrupted when his Floo suddenly roared and he heard a voice coming from the fireplace.

“Floo!” Teddy shrieked happily. “Yay!”

“Teddy, there’s no need to shout,” Harry sighed, leaning over the fireplace. He was surprised to see Ron’s face grinning at him from the fire.

“Harry, you’ll never guess what happened at work today-I’m coming over, yeah?” Ron was saying excitedly before his head vanished.

“Wait, what? No, Ron, wait!” Harry’s eyes widened as he shook his head frantically. “You can’t come over!”

“Why not?” He said, poking his head back in. “You’re not on a date or anything, right? I thought Teddy was over.”

“He is, and no, I’m not on a date. I mean-er,” Harry stuttered, looking back at the couch.

Draco was staring at him through wide grey eyes, obviously not knowing what to do.

“I’ll go upstairs, it’s fine-“ Draco was saying, standing up, and backing away from the fireplace.

“Wait, no-“ Harry tried to say.

“Yeah, then, just hold up for a second!” Ron said, and before Draco could leave the room, the tall man was Floo-ing in and climbing out of the fireplace with soot shaking off of him and was still speaking.

“Anyway, we were in training this morning, and-“ he stopped abruptly, looking up from the soot on his clothes and seeing Draco standing against the doorway of the living room.

“What the- Malfoy?!” Ron suddenly gasped, pulling his wand from his sleeve.

“Ron, no!” Harry yelped, grabbing his best friend’s arm. “Don’t-“

“What the hell is he doing here?” Ron was saying, staring at Malfoy angrily.

“Oh come now, Weasley. Aren’t we past boyhood rivalries?” Draco sneered, crossing his arms and staring back at Ron. Harry was almost sad to see the sneer back-it had been gone for a while.

“Unca Ron!” Teddy suddenly cheered, running to Ron and hugging his knees. This broke Ron’s glare as he looked down at Teddy in surprise. “What does ‘hell’ mean?”

Harry groaned. Andromeda was going to kill him for that.

Part 6 is HERE

starving, nc-17, fic, fic: chaptered

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