Happy (belated) birthday, kubrick_potter!

Oct 06, 2011 09:23

Title: Kitty love
Author: bleedforyou1
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Beta: vanessawolfie
Summary: Harry and Draco find a kitten.
Word count: 436
Warnings: Flufffffff monsta.
Note: Happy late bday, kubrick_potter! You're great :) Here's a little ficlet for your prompt of "harry/draco" and "kitten". ENJOY!

Kitty Love

It was a sunny afternoon and Harry had dragged Draco out of the house and to the park for a walk in the brilliant summer sun. He had even packed a picnic and proceeded to weave his fingers through Draco’s hair as they lay on the blanket in the shade of a tree. It was all just perfect.

“And then,” Draco continued his story, moving his head to rest more comfortable in Harry’s lap. “I told Rogers that he could stuff it because even though I’m engaged to the Savior of the Wizarding World, that did not mean I thought I was better than everyone else. I just think I’m better than everyone because, well, I am, you know? And he literally was staring at me like I was--”

“Oh, Draco, look!” Harry pointed at the bushes near them. “I’m sorry for interrupting, but look! A little kitten!”

Draco sat up and they both stared into the bushes as an adorable little white kitten with a pink bow tied around her neck came closer, sniffing into the air.

“She’s precious!” Draco smiled. “Come here, kitty kitty.”

“Come here,” Harry said as well, holding out a bit of cheese that he had set aside for crackers later. The kitten sniffed at the air again and came closer cautiously, her tail high in the sky.

“That’s it, aren’t you the cutest little thing?” Draco cooed as she came and rested in his lap.

“Are we sure she doesn’t have rabies or something?” Harry joked as he pulled out his wand surreptitiously and preformed a few minor spells. “Yep, she’s clean.”

“She has an owner,” Draco pouted. He picked up the ribbon that was tied around her neck and read it aloud: “Pixie belongs to Cassie Matthews. There’s an address and everything. Oh, it’s only a few blocks away from here!”

“The poor girl is probably looking everywhere for Pixie,” Harry frowned. “We should go give her back..”

Draco seemed sad for a moment. “Harry, let’s get a cat! Please?”

Harry blinked. “Uh, Draco... I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

“Oh why not?”

“Well.” Harry shrugged, scratching his head. “Er, Hermione’s Crookshanks just made me not want a cat. Ever.”

“Not all cats are that annoying!” Draco huffed. “But, if you don’t want one...”

They dropped the subject after a while, and they went and gave back Pixie to Cassie, who was very excited to get her kitten back. When they got back home, Draco went up for a nap, and Harry snuck out of the house.

Time to go find a pet-store near their new house.

The End

pg, birthday, gifts, harry/draco, fic: one-shot, fic

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