(no subject)

Mar 24, 2004 16:06

last cigarette: 2 hours ago
last kiss:4 days ago.
last good cry: january 25th.
last library book checked out: The Great Gatsby
last movie seen: i dont 'member.
last book read: i dunno. i never finish books.
last cuss word uttered: asshole
last beverage drank: Grape Capri Sun, that's right BIATCHES
last food consumed: chocolate fudge brownie ice cream
last phone call: um... the last phone call i made was to Lee, the last one i got... was from my gammy.
last tv show watched: erum... General Hospital. SOAP OPERAS ROCK.
last shoes worn: slip on VANS
last cd played: Spankin Monkey
last item bought: pack of cigs
last downloaded: dinosaurs don't download. they destroy.
last annoyance: myself.
last disappointment: um... stuff.
last soda drank: Strawberry Soda?
last thing handwritten: math work
last word spoken: "ok"
last sleep: um10 hours ago.
last im: TO losermike: <3
last weird encounter: never.
last ice cream eaten: chocolate fudge brownie foolio
last amused: all the time.
last time wanting to die: um today?
last time in love: do you mean, last time I got my heart broken?? oh...
last time hugged: today.
last time scolded: everyday, so yesterday, today and tomorrow, as always.
last chair sat in: my computer chair
last lipstick used: some pink lipstick.. errr. it was hot.
last shirt worn: my american flag tee, inside out.
last time dancing: today.. in my house.
last poster looked at: erum... the casualties
last show attended: JARHAHAHA thats a good one. i dont remember.
last webpage visited: LiveJournal

1 MINUTE AGO: this.
1 HOUR AGO: dying someone's hair
1 DAY AGO: marco called me a bitch
1 WEEK AGO: butterflies.
1 YEAR AGO: getting beat by my step-dad. ::sigh::

current clothes: black mini skirt, and a blue pinstriped button up shirt.
current mood: depressed
current music: none.
current taste: the cigarette from 2 hours ago.
current hair: it's still here.
current smell: too much work.
current thing I should be doing: getting ready for mike to pick me up so we can find lee.
current desktop picture: virtual beach
current refreshment: um capri sun.
current worry: marco beating me up, and... ugh!!!!!!!!!

1. What do you most like about your body?: My eyes i suppose
2. And least?: my obesity
3. How many fillings do you have?: who cares.
4. Do you think you're good looking?: nope.
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking?: yeah, but do i hear them. no.
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