<3* yay

May 27, 2004 20:22

movie you rented = texas chainsaw and thirteen
movie you bought = haggard
song you listened to = broken hearts and concrete floors by dashy
song that was stuck in your head: down by something corporate
cd you bought = yellowcard- one for the kids
cd you listened to = north
person you've called = my mom
person that's called you = people dont call me...
tv show you've watched = fairly oddparents
person you were thinking of = Josh
...you have a crush on someone = yeah
...you wish you could live somewhere else = nope
...you think about suicide = OH YEAH IM SUCH A SUICIDAL FREAK :: slits her wrists ::... umm no
...you believe in online dating = yeah if your 10...
...others find you attractive = idk
...you want more piercings = maybe
...you drink = i would
...you do drugs= No
...you smoke = No
....you like cleaning = No
...you like roller coasters = HELL YEAH!
...you write in cursive or print = both
...you carry a donor card = What is that?

long distance relationships = depends
using someone = against
suicide = against
killing people = Depends on who the person is. ;)
teenage smoking = against
doing drugs = against
driving drunk = against
gay/lesbian relationships = i dont think it matters who you marry
soap operas = against

ever cried over a girl = Yeah
ever cried over a boy = Yesssss
ever lied to someone = Yeah who hasnt?
ever been in a fist fight = Not really
ever been arrested = nope

movie - harry potter movies, haggard, jackass, finding nemo, the breakfast club, charlies angels movies, scary ones..
word - penis
nickname - lar
gay name - umm bernard
lesbo name - umm amy kind of makes me think of lezbians
eye color - dark brown
actor - Bam Margera and Daniel Radcliffe
actress - Drew Barrymore

funny - idk
friendly - well to some people i guess
amusing - idk... i make sammy laugh
ugly - yeah im gonan slit my wrists ;) lol
loveable - people tell me they love me?
caring - of my friends n stuffs
sweet - sweet as suga =-)
dorky - yeah sometimes

do you bite your nails: yeah when I'm nervous or bored
can you roll your tongue: yep
can you raise one eyebrow at a time: idts
can you blow smoke rings: ew
can you blow spit bubbles: yeah lol
can you cross your eyes: YEP
colored hair: my hair is black..
tattoos and where: eww girls shouldnt have tattoos...
piercings and where: ears :) i had my bellybutton but it ripped out in cheerleading.. yum
do you clean yourself daily: yeah

which shoe goes on first: left
speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone: yeah probably
how much money is usually in your wallet: 0 lol
would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great: depends on where im going
do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: both
how many cereals are in your cabinet: my family doesnt eat cereal but i think theres cereal there.. lol
what utensils do you use eating pizza: i hate pizza
do you cook: i wish i could

how often do you brush your teeth: Everyday..like twice... WITH MY TOOTHBRUSH:)
how often do you shower/bathe: every morning or night
how long do these showers last: like 15 mins

hair drying method: air dry
do you swear: yep
do you mumble to yourself: i sing to myself
do you spit in public: i dont spit... sry lol
do you pee in the shower: hahah no lol
in the cd player: something corporate- north
person you talk most on the phone with: probably sam or jay
what color is your bedroom: white and pink
do you use an alarm clock: my mom is my alarm clock
name one thing or person you're obsessed with?: Bam Margera... or josh :)
have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex: Not yet lol
ever sunbathed in the nude: nope
window seat or aisle: aisle
whats your sleeping position: on my tummy
what kind of bed do you like: the floor.. in front of my computer
in hot weather do you use a blanket: yeah cuz im scared that a monster will kill me in the middle of the night...
do you snore: idk lol
do you sleepwalk: YEAH.. um no
do you talk in your sleep: I probably have before..
how about the light on: all lights off-- no noise either

were kissed or kissed someone: i dont even know lol
watched bambi: probably not even a year ago.. i love disney movies
cried: a few days ago
read a book: yuckk
punched someone: my mom the other day lol
who are you gonna be married to and where: Bam Margera, in my bed, or Tim Obein, my moms 30 year old friend. :)

how many kids do you want to have: 287432
your profession: penis<3

who is your best friend: SLAM!
what friend do you hang out with the most: Slam
what friend makes you smile the most: SLam
friend that you fight with the most: Erin prolly lol
one you talk to the most online: Sam
friend that you dislike the most: SAM..jk. lol, umm i cant say lol

pop music: pop aint koo
rock music: yeah its cool
punk music: Uh, Yeah.
rap music: Only with sammy;)
hip-Hop/RB: ^^
country: EW
jazz: i've actualy never heard jazz... scott likes it though:)
classical: ew
new age: what's that?
what is one band/singer you absolutely love that no one else does or seems to have heard about: i love blink 182 and everyone hates them. no one knows who the june spirit is... and i love them too

I am: Bored
I want: Josh
I have: black hair
I wish: things could go my way for once
I hate: sluts
I miss: josh
I fear: alot of things
I hear: evanessence
I search: for cheese
I wonder: how many giraffes their are in the world having sex right now...
I regret: Lot's of things.
I love: Sam Derby
I ache: my eyes hurt
I always: daydream
I dance: with emily and ashley!
I sing: with sam all the time
I cry: all the time
I am always: thinking about things
I smoke: CRACK.. lol jk
I win: im a winner!
I lose: idk i lose friends alot haha
I confuse: everyone
I need: Josh
I should: do better in school...

Yes Or No...
You keep a diary: not ne more
You like to cook: yeah even though i cant
You have a secret you have not shared with anyone: Yep

What is/do you...?
Your most overused phrase on IM: i love you
The last image/thought you go to sleep with: i dont know
Have a(any) crush(es): Yes
Want to get married: Yes
Get Emotion Sickness: Yeah, all the time
Think you're a health freak: No

number: 69 lol jk, id otn have one
color: pink
day: tuesday
month: august
Song: down by soco
food: broccoli
season: spring
sport: cheerleading

Cuddle or Make Out: both
chocolate milk, or hot chocolate: Hot chocolate
milk, dark or white chocolate? uh milk chocolate.

cried? nope
helped someone? yeah
bought something? lunch at school ;)
gotten sick? nope
gone to the movies? no
gone out for dinner? no
said "i love you"? yeah
written a real letter? yes
talked to an ex? yes
missed an ex? nope
written in a journal? yeah silly
had a serious talk? yeah
missed someone? yeah
hugged someone? yeah
fought with your parents? sorta
fought with a friend? nope
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