Ever feel like you got lost somewhere along the way? "I thought s(he) liked [x] instead of [y]." "I wonder if s(he) ever..." "Does s(he) like [x
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Haha, I know. Well, some people on Tumblr (where I originally got this from) are really nosy, since you can ask anonymously.
8: Sexual orientation
I'm pansexual, which is "the aesthetic attraction, romantic love and/or sexual desire for people regardless of their gender identity or biological sex". For me, that includes people that don't identify as purely one or the other, or as far as purely appreciating the aesthetics, they embrace and flaunt qualities of both (such as the incredible Andrej Pejić).
I have a weird fear of exceedingly open rooms. The first few nights in the apartment, I had heart-pounding, honest-to-god terror because it felt like the walls were expanding.
I'm sure there's more, but that's probably one of the strangest.
Um. 8!
8: Sexual orientation
I'm pansexual, which is "the aesthetic attraction, romantic love and/or sexual desire for people regardless of their gender identity or biological sex". For me, that includes people that don't identify as purely one or the other, or as far as purely appreciating the aesthetics, they embrace and flaunt qualities of both (such as the incredible Andrej Pejić).
Also, #59? Because I know I do, and other people's strangeness makes me feel less strange. 8D
I'm sure there's more, but that's probably one of the strangest.
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