adding ❚ selectively adding ❚ not adding
(I'm no longer active on this site)
I don't use LJ anymore - I haven't for years. The site made changes against the wishes of the userbase and lost almost all of it as a result. Which is a damn shame; truth be told, I still prefer this way of being involved in fandom above most others. I met a lot of wonderful people that I still remain in contact with to this day (IRL and online), and I can't bring myself to delete this journal.
For better or for worse, this was the way I used to sort through my confusing feelings for many years. For me, it's a valuable archive.
That said, LJ is dead. People don't use it anymore. I was quite active on Tumblr for a few years, but for similar reasons, I no longer use that much either.
If you're still interested in what I'm doing or what I'm into, I have it on
this page. I'm way more active on Twitter. (((Updated on 12/24/2018.)))