May 12, 2005 21:22
last night easily goes down in the books as one of the top three best nights of my life.
it was more perfect than perfect.
timmy k is my hero. [as if that wasn't an already established fact of the universe.]
it was the greatest release for me.
i wish i could re-experience that everysinglenight.
the passion is overwhelming.
i can't even express the gratitude i feel for them playing "tell shipwreck i'm sorry"
i think there was maybe 5 other people in the whole damn room besides me that knew the words to that song.
it was so intense for me.
and what made it even better was looking next to me to see one of my best friends in the world so fuckin happily singing along with me. with tim. I LOVE HERRRRRRRR! i love seeing her that happy. i love that we share such a strong passion for the same thing. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
i think i'm definetely getting sick. but oh well.
i ♥ sudafed.