Vacation Update

Aug 10, 2004 22:02

I've kept the following journal on my laptop that I brought with me...enjoy!

Entry @ 2206 8/10/04

Yep...made a friend at the pool today...his name's Joe, he's from San Diego, and he plays water polo, so we threw a ball around for a few hours and talked and stuff... I also met this girl who swims competetively, and she's pretty cool...didn't catch her name though :( Oh well, I'll roast myself in the sauna and spa tomorrow and see if she comes by, since my muscles are too sore to swim around...I'm *finally* getting around to horseback riding on Friday...turns out it's rather expensive; not only that, but it's a guided ride...I was looking forward to some seclusion in the surrounding forest and stuff...I may post a picture or two later, cuz the view around here is magnificent.

Entry @ 0041 8/10/04

Damn, I hate laptop keyboards...I'm in the middle of a Modest Mouse song and coding the SW website, so there's not much to say, I just randomly felt like typing a few words in here...shit, my battery's almost dead...fuckfuckshitfuck...I've broken a bunch of my nails over the last two days...only half of them are still whole and well... I think I'm just gonna cut all of them besides my right thumbnail, and keep tht one razor-sharp, so as to draw blood when I need/want to. I'm getting kinda tired, so I think I'm just gonna go to sleep instead of staying up and hard-coding more of the's not like I have much of a modshop or anything yet, just a couple of cool mods and build to my name.

Entry @ 2314 8/9/04

Hmm...not much to say, I think I pretty much covered everything in the the last entry; In Flames is a cool band...think KMFDM, but more heavy-metally...the singer really reminds me of KMFDM; it may be the same person, now that I really listen to it...I'll check that out when we get back home.

I'm thinking of putting this journal on the web at some point, since I think I'm more expressive somehow on this than anything else...I don't know why. Damn, it's hard to find a decent position to use a damned laptop in. I think as soon as I can, I'm going to install Winamp on this computer so I can do AVS on the go.

Damn, I love Lacuna Coil...for some reason, Sean doesn't seems to like them... whatever, they're awesome! Listen to Lacuna Coil, damnit!...I think I'm gonna go find a way to encrypt this file so only I can access it, so I'll be off now.

Entry @ 2215 8/9/04

Damn, that sucks...I just lost an entire entry because I have to use a sucky laptop keyboard...what a whore...o well. I'm at the Running Y Ranch in Oregon right now, listening to Children of the Night by Dark Tranquility...decently cool band, but I'm not sure what kind of genre to put them in. Oh, shouldn't be classified by a certain style; true, most people only like a few different styles or genres, but I believe that music comes on a song-by-song basis; I know Dark Tranquility may sound sorta like 80's power metal, but I think it's cool; it's kind of like how Sean thinks Tony Kakko from Sonata Arctica sounds like a faggot, but whatever...I love Sonata Arctica anyways, their music appeals to me.

I just finished putting all the song names into the CD program on this computer after a failed attempt to install Civ3 on it...dirty CD's and not having an Admin account... nasy combination when you're trying to install DirectX and a program...oh well, I can entertain myself elsewise...I just made that word up.

There's not much else going on around here; a couple of girls to look at, maybe talk to. I'm usually at the pool with Sam, which works both ways; she's a good way to look like I'm actually there to do stuff, but she always refuses to get out of the fucking sauna/spa right when I need her to. Case in point: Chealsea. 15 /f /wa. She was pretty cute really cute (she actually looked more around 12-13) and we're in the sauna with her little sister and Sam, right? She tells her sister to go away, since we're talking about big-kid stuff, and I get the picture; I tell Sam to bug off, and she says no...fucking Christ, child, I'm trying to get laid and you're just being a cock-block...goddamnit. Not only that, but she's the only girl my age around here...I see another chick after Chealsea leaves (she left the resort today) that looked around 15 or 16...she turns out to be 12. Fuck. Not only that, but all the decently cool people I met yesterday are gone now...I guess I'll have to hang around the pool after going riding tomorrow and listen to music or long as there's a socket, I should be able to just plug in and write this out some more and listen to music...maybe I'll code the SW website. I think I will, since the view is really awesome out on the porch behind the pool room...actually, I'm not even sure we're going to go riding tomorrow, since it's so damned expensive; $27 for an hour, $37 for an hour and a half, and $50 for two...I want to go on the half-day ride, but the flyer doesn't give a price for that...I'm wondering how much that is; hope it's not too much, since the family isn't doing too well at the moment.

I'm listening to In Flames right now; I think I'm gonna go into the bedroom and type out some more stuff and/or listen to more music, maybe read some more of Dante's Inferno or The Annals by Tactitus...Tactitus doesn't seem as interesting right now; he was a great Roman tacticion, but he wrote a history of Rome?...doesn't quite float my boat like I thought it might. So yeah, for that moving of the body and the computer and stuff...I'll be back to this in a bit or something.

Entry @ 0100 8/6/04

I've been thinking lately...that there's things I definitely shoulda/woulda/coulda done better or differenty...but it's all in vain, since it's all already passed. Right now, I wouldn't trade any of my friends for anything, even after all the white-lying and non-truths should make me very wary of trusting them...especially Tiffany. I love that girl to death, but she can lie to her best friend's face without so much as a glimmer of guilt...but I very seriously doubt that Tiff is guiltless...I know for a fact that she carries a lot of weight on her shoulders, and that she feels horrible about having to keep things from her friends for most likely good reasons. I'm terriby sleepy right now, so I'm going to put on some music from my other computer and give this one back to my father...nvm, in a bit.

Yay, some My Ruin sounds good right now. I think I like this method of journalistic expression...since I can keep my laptop with me, I can update it often.

Speaking of my father, apparrently, after vacation and before he goes back to work, he's going to take me driving in the Firebird...which is definitely going to be a cool experience. I hope it's as cool as I've always thought...I've looked forward to driving that sexy hunk of old-school machinery for the past 8'll be beautiful, hopefully. I still remember when dad used to drive me to school in it...but it's bedtime, so goodnight, and don't corrupt.

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