Kevin Myers manages to out-do himself...

Jan 07, 2007 02:27

I'm sure any of you who live in Ireland are familiar with the Hate column written in the Indo by Kevin Myers. This past Friday he has out-done himself, surpassing all his previous standards of what exactly is too a fascist rant too far... It starts with a headline "Forget about disease, Africa's biggest problem is its people" which is shocking enough to make me want to read his crap which i rarely do. The 'article' is about how mis-guided Bill Gates is for donating a few dozen million of his fortune to combatting Malaria in sub-saharan Africa, something i deem a reasonably noble act from such a businessman. Myers explains with his usual repertoire of witticisms that by not curing Malaria, the western world is helping to keep numbers down in these regions. Apparently high population is why Africa is in such bad shape, not corruption or despotism. So, is it just me or is consciously not curing thousands to millions of people of Malaria when you know you can akin to sticking a gun to those people's heads? If anything it's worse, a gun to the head would be quick and arguably painless. Essentially i draw the conclusions that Mr Myers has finally stepped out of the BNP closet and started openly canvassing for ethnic cleansing. I believe first prize for being the racist bastard of the year these days is a taxi plate!
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