Dec 24, 2007 18:58
taking off from the previous song-related post, here are the lyrics i snagged from shounen club videos. please acknowledge if you're taking them! had a hard time shuffling between windows to check for the lyrics of these songs... =) please also tell me if i mis-typed or missed out anything!
Love & Dream
詞:久保田洋司 曲:堂本光一
愛がその夢を 守りきる さぁ行こうよ
そびえ立つ壁を 超えて Ooo
何一ついいことが なかった肩に
風が冷たくぶつかる 青空遠すぎる
むちゃに歩けば また行き止り
近道なんて なくったって いいさ
愛がその夢を 守りきる さぁ行こうよ
そびえ立つ壁を 超えて Ooo
体中を流れる 切なさの行き先は
いつも 強く動いて
僕を揺さぶりつづけ 君を励ましつづけ
胸を かきたてる
愛が暗闇を 照らし出す さぁ行こうよ
夢でその思い 満たせ Ooo
波 by 4tops
長谷純:苛立ちをかき消せば きっと遠くへ行けるのに
風間: 焦りや不安の中で 小さな自分がもがいてる
山P: 幾つもの波に打ち砕かれ
斗真: それでも歩き続けてた
斗真P:光 求めて...
全員: *波の音色に誘うメロディー
ただ がむしゃらに 自分の箱を探して
彷徨う時間の中で 気付く 新しい風に
"find a way"* x2
U-wa U-wa
詞:TAKESHI 曲:飯田建彦
Take me to true world!! Two hearts!!
君と僕との愛と愛をつないで 一つの恋になんだろう
誕生日に君がくれた手帳のせいで 逢えないみたいだ
真っ黒なスケジュール 矛盾も仕方ない
ちゃんとチェックして いちばん先に 赤く〇したって
キャンセルまちみたいで 申し訳ないや
今度君に僕からの「Birthday present」
お揃いの手帳で 寂しくないだろう
Take me to true world!! Two hearts!!
君と僕との愛と愛をつないで 一つの恋だなって気付く
だから true world!! Two hearts!!
重ねあわせて U-wa U-waってなっていたいのは
詞:久保田洋司 曲:谷本(<< not sure of the first name =X)
*絶えることない つきることない
HeartのEnergie You're OK
風を捕まえて 光を目指せ
Heart 熱くして You're All Right* X2
どれだけ迷えば 不安をぬけだせるだろう
どこまで走れば いらだち振り切れるだろう
悩んで へこんで くだけて 希望が危ない
それじゃ No / No / 決めたなら 1度や2度や3度でも
気持ちを そう シフトして 新しい君へ
Don't Worry あきらめちゃダメさ Let's Try 忘れないで
そうさ ハートをいつだって 揺れてる無限のエネルギー
詞:戸沢暢美 曲:飯田建彦
いつかとんでもない 悲しみに出会ったら
若い日の やり方が 役立つだろう
しらけた顔でいたくない 時代を変えちゃおうぜ
傷つくたびに背が伸びる またムチャしたくなる
好きな女の子に 電話しないヤツが
街角で 今日やけに 輝いてた
みんな 青春のFever Go go go 悩んで
泣いて寝て生まれる 勇気に驚く
おいで 青春のBomber Fun fun fun 目覚める
才能で 今を 全部つかまえよう
Love & Peace (shortened version)
詞:岡部真理子 曲:権口了一 (<< not sure if last name is correct)
Love, Love, Love, Love, Love and Peace
どこまで この道はつづいていくの?
キビシイ 旅はまだはじまったばかり
もう一度 君に出会える日がきたら...
たかが運命なんて けとばして
この愛なき世界に 火をつけてよ
正真正銘 きみだけは幸せであるように
遠い空へ このLove, Love, Love, Love, Love and Peace
ok that was alot of shounen club video clips (re)watched. lol.
couldn't find an episode with a full version of love & peace (too lazy to go through all XP) in the past i used to think it was lame looking at songs' videos (esp for mayday i guess) because there's really no content; it's much better watching them host and everything because it's funnier and you get to see more of them. but it's different for yamapi and toma! (i admit i don't really like kazapon when he's singing; hasejun's not bad XD) yokubou no rain is superb when you see them dance with it. and toma just exudes this charm whenever he sings! WAI! *^_^* and yamapi looks great during cool songs like gomen ne juliet! and for any NEWS songs. tomapi!!! ok i've officially converted. i'm not a true blue toma fan anymore, but a tomapi fan. XD tomapi fan = toma + yamapi + tomapi fan. (ie i like toma, yamapi, and even more when both of them are together! <3)
and shounen club just wasn't nice anymore after they moved to the NHK hall. maybe not as personal anymore =X or maybe because they weren't the hosts anymore. haven't watched much recent shounen club shows, but koyama and nakamaru seems to be able to host quite well. at least they're better than the MA guy. XD||| but without toma.. it's just different =X
when will he debut!!! argh. remember i read somewhere that when yamapi was told that he is going to debut with the 8 other members of NewS, he admitted that he only ever really spoken to ryo before. and i was re-watching one episode where he was talking to then KKK's koyama and koyama said that it's his first time talking to yamapi... hai. johnny's really weird anyway. NewS = 3 of KKK (or is it J-support =X) + 2 of kanjani + tegomassu (i'm not sure where they're from; seldom saw them in old episodes of shounen club...) + 1 i-dunno-from-where-but-he-left-so-whatever + leader yamapi. like, HUH? but nevermind it's been 4 years already anyway. i just hope the rumour of ryo leaving (i don't really care about this though ^^;;; but anyway he'll be happier with kanjani only i suppose) and being replaced with toma (this = wtfffff) is so not true. or it's just going to be even weirder.. though it's high time toma debuted!