Week 161 - Submission Post

Jun 16, 2010 21:22

Here is your next challenge. Another one from the theme request post! Got a song you would like to see used at bleachorus ? Post your song here!

Nine Inch Nails - "And All That Could Have Been" (from elyrics.net)

Breeze still carries the sound
Maybe I'll disappear
Tracks will fade in the snow
You won't find me here

Ice is starting to form
Ending what had begun
I am locked in my head
With what I've done
I know you tried to rescue me
Didn't let anyone get in
Left with a trace of all that was
And all that could have been

Take this
And run far away
Far away from me
I am
The two of us
Were never meant to be
All these
And promises and left behinds
If only I could see
In my
You meant everything
Everything to me
Gone fading everything
And all that could have been

Take this
And run far away
Far as you can see
I am
And happiness and peace of mind
Were never meant for me
All these
And promises and left behinds
If only I could see
In my
You meant everything
Everything to me

1. You are allowed to submit TWO or less icons.
2. Official Bleach art only (i.e. anime images, artbooks, and other variations).
3. Do not submit an icon that you did not make yourself, even if the creator allows you to.
4. Icons must be made for this community only. It must not be shown to anyone elsewhere until the contest is over. Do not advertise to ask people to vote for your icon. Do not submit the icon to another icon making community.
5. Icons must fit the standards: 100x100 pixels or less, 40KB or less, and in the following formats: .png, .jpeg, .gif, .jpg.
6. Credit your sources. This is not crediting yourself because we know that you made it. Crediting sources would be the textures, brushes, gradients, images used, etc.
7. Use at least three readable consecutive words from the lyrics provided. This is a lyrics-based icon-challenge; therefore, if a co-mod cannot read or decipher a icon-maker's word choice, the co-mod has the right NOT to post the icon in the voting post. Co-mods will try to give the submitter warning that their icon is not acceptable before the end of the submission period and encourage the submitter to re-submit a corrected icon.
8. Do not submit an icon to another icon making contest, even if it is going on at the same time.

When posting your icons, be sure to have the following: the image, the image link, and your sources.

Source: .......

You have until Tuesday June 22nd Sunday June 27th at 11:59pm EST to submit one or two icons, but why wait?


week 161, submission

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